Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the 2004 Gulf of Alaska Seamount Expedition that took place July 30 - August 23, 2004. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon
is present, a QuickTime video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other video formats are available on the linked pages.
If a slideshow icon
is present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.
Video & Slideshows

Astoria Canyon Sights (QuickTime, 2.6MB)
Feather star, gastropods, and sponges
Tallus cave
Keith Bosely in the lab
Astoria Canyon, looking east from mid-canyon
3-D image of Astoria canyon, looking southeast
Astoria Canyon, looking southwest
Head of Astoria Canyon, looking east
July 12
Flag rockfish
July 12
Crinoids and sponges
July 12
July 12
July 11
Trawl marks on Heceta Bank
July 11
Seastars and thornyhead
July 11
July 11
July 10
Bacterial mat near seep
July 10
School of sablefish
July 10
Gastropod and its egg casing
July 10
Seastar amid bivalve shells
July 10
Pygmy and redstripe rockfish
July 9
Vase sponge and crinoids
July 9
Unidentified shark
July 9
Mussel shell from ancient headland
July 8
Poachers and sharpchin rockfish
July 8
Sampling sites on Heceta Bank
July 8
Pacific hagfish
July 8
Sampling a carbonate chimney
July 7
Tiger rockfish and sponge
July 7
Terracing on rock outcrop
July 7
ROPOS dive tracts on Heceta Bank
July 7
July 6
Basketstars and crinoids
July 6
Rosethorn rockfish at a rock ridge
July 6
Fish trap
July 6
Sampling a rock and crinoid
July 6
Yellowtail rockfish
July 5
White sponge and reddish crinoids
July 5
Dover sole and pink sea urchins
July 5
Box crab
July 4
Black crinoid
July 4
Myctophids (lantern fish)
July 4
Bacterial mat near methane seep
July 3
A blackskate, a grenadier, sponges and anemones
July 3
Sedimentary bedding planes
July 3
Freshly broken rock face
July 3
Gorgonian corals
July 3
Longspine thornyhead rockfish
July 2
Headwall scarp
July 2
Porous mudstone and shrimp
July 2
July 1
Thornyhead hiding under rock
July 1
ROPOS arm collects samples
July 1
Recovery of ROPOS
July 1
Shortraker fish)
June 30
Sea cucumbers and sea stars
June 30
Mudstone scar resulting from landslide
June 30
Shortspine thornyhead rockfish
June 30
White sea cucumber communities
June 29
June 29
June 29
Octocoral invertebrate
June 29
June 28
ROPOS first dive
June 28
Bio-acoustic profiler data
June 28
Vertical profile of ROPOS first dive
June 28
Sea Eagle vessel supports studies
June 27
Deploying ROPOS
June 26
Deploying Bioacoustic equipment
June 26
Mid-water trawl
June 26
Deploying CTD equipment
May 31 - Jun 13 Auriga conducts a sonar survey
May 31 - Jun 13 Multibeam transducers
May 31 - Jun 13 Deeptow sidescan
May 31 - Jun 13 Base of canyon wall
May 31 - Jun 13
Sidescan sonar