April 5
A close encounter with an angel fish as it swims by a black smoker.
May 11
Watch a pod of pilot whales as seen from the deck of the Ronald H. Brown.
August 9
A variety of whales, including finback, humpback, and sperm whales, accompany us daily.
August 17
The Eye-In-The-Sea camera captures giant isopods and a hungry six-gill shark.
August 16
The exploration team discovers a fluorescent greeneye fish under the submersible's blue-filtered headlights.
August 12
A strange encounter with a swordfish at 1,760 ft below the surface.
August 9
A six-gill shark was spotted over 2,100 ft below the surface.
August 26
A lantern shark swims above the sandy bottom at the "Sandy Tongue" dive site.
August 26
A frilled shark swims above the sea floor.
August 26
Shaefer's anglerfish brought up by the Johnson-Sea-Link II.
August 25
A lizard fish sits on the bottom and waits for its prey to approach.
August 25
A small fish sits near the bottom as a crab hops by.
August 24
A North Atlantic wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) in its natural habitat.
August 24
The red bream (Beryx decadactylus) in its natural habitat.
Wreckfish and red bream share space under a slab of manganese- phosphorite.
Video of a lionfish eluding capture.
A halosaur, a deep sea eel.
Collecting a fish sample.
A video of a brief encounter with a Galapagos sea lion.
snowy groupers, Epinephelus niveatus, supervise submersible collections.
A beautiful hogfish swims by the Johnson-Sea-Link.
A closeup encounter with a large moray eel.
A slideshow of organisms the Johnson Sea-Link encountered during a dive.
During a dive the submersible crew encounters groupings of Almaco jacks.
Video sighting of a Lionfish, an invasive species.
Video of a scamp grouper rapidly changing color.
Fish slideshow.
Polar bears.
Whale shark
Fish (Phylum Chordata)
April 15
Flatfish (sole) were found in great numbers at Kasuga-1 and Daikoku volcanoes. (HR) |
April 8
Soft corals (~10-15 cm tall) and tropical fish share the paradise we named Aquarium." (HR) |
April 8
Tropical fish swim above boulders covered with bacterial mats, which indicate the presence of hydrothermal venting. (HR) |
April 5
A unique photograph of a shallow-water tropical fish swimming among active black smoker chimneys. |
Antimora over sandy portion of seamount. (HR) |
Roundnose in a head-down swimming posture. |
May 21
A mola mola soaks up the sun. (HR) |
May 14
Chimaera on Bear Seamount. |
May 12
Chimaera on Bear Seamount. |
August 16
Note the green fluorescence of the eyes of this shortnose greeneye fish. The submersible team collected the specimen for optical studies in the ships onboard laboratory. (HR) |
August 16
Under white light the green lenses of this 6-inch greeneye fish are still quite apparent. (HR) |
August 30
Foraminiferan limestone and numerous red bream (HR) |
August 29
Wreckfish (HR) |
August 29
Red Bream (HR) |
August 29
Longfish Hake (HR) |
August 29
Blackfin (HR) |
August 29
Stout Beardfish |
August 28
Group of Red Bream, Beryx decadactylus (HR) |
August 27
Shaefers anglerfish, Sladenia shaefersi (HR) |
August 27
Shaefers anglerfish, Sladenia shaefersi (HR) |
August 26
Snowy grouper (HR) |
August 26
A school of yellowfin bass (HR) |
August 25
Long-spine porcupinefish (HR) |
August 22
Two lasers beams from the submersible reflect off of a wreckfish (HR) |
August 22
Laemonema are a type of morid cod (HR) |
Slickhead at Bear Seamount |
A swimming grenadier (or rattail) |
A chimaera at Bear Seamount |
Nezumia foraging along the edge of a basalt outcrop. |
A deep sea Roundnose Grenadier. |
The deep water fish, Lamonema. |
An eel type fish, Synapho-branchus. |
A deep-sea anglerfish from Bear Seamount. |
A grenadier or "rattail" hovers near the bottom. |
A gaper rests on its pectoral and pelvic fins at a depth of 1,860 ft. |
Scientists diving in the JSL II stumbled upon a red lionfish (Pterolis volitans). |
Scientists captured this unsuspecting goby, just 1.5 cm long. (HR) |
The greeneye fish is one of many creatures observed during the first dive day. |
Lionfish specimen. |
Band wing flyingfish |
Small wing flyingfish. |
Gonostoma elongatum, a mid-water fish. |
Collecting muscle tissue samples from organisms, like this Greeneye. |
Three-eyed flounder. |
Greeneyes are known for their iridescent blue-green eyes. |
Acadian redfish near one of the mystery wrecks. |
Several Pollock can be seen in the wrecksite. |
Pollock swim around a windlass. |
A cod pass over steam pipes |
A scorpionfish with a mound of anemones and sponges. (HR) |
The Spanish flag (Gonioplectrus hispanus). |
The yellowtail reeffish (Chromis enchrysura). |
The threadnose bass (Anthias tenuis). |
A banner blenny (Emblemaria atlanticus). |
The yellowtail reeffish (Chromis enchrysura). |
A juvenile scamp (Mycteroperca phenax). |
Scorpion fish collected of Diaphus Bank. (HR) |
Great Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda). (HR) |
Juvenile threespot damselfish in a pillar coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus). |
A redeye gaper fish and brittle star say. (HR) |
A ratfish cruises the bottom depths at 236 feet. |
Unidentified frogfish. |
Scorpaenid fish. |
A tiny spiny puffer fish caught in one of the neuston net tows. (HR) |
Acoral hake swimming among the Lophelia coral. |
A deep-sea fish called a green eye |
This Houndfish was also caught during night-lighting. |
A juvenile needlefish caught during night-lighting. |
A juvenile scrawled filefish found within the mass of sargassum. |
This juvenile trigger fishwas captured near the surface in a neuston net. |
This bottom dwelling fish usually moves across the ocean floor crawling on a pair of modified pectoral fins. |
A lionfish, is sighted several times during dive operations. |
Coney grouper exhibiting different color variations. |
Different markings in species of butterfly fish. |
Major characteristics used to identify fish. |
An adult blackbelly rosefish |
Larvae of the snapper species Lutjanidae. |
Schools of vermilion snapper. |
A pink fish. |
Arctic cod, Boreogadus saida. |
The "alphonsin" Beryx decadactylus. |
A member of the Bathygadid fish family. |
A tinselfish kiss. |
A tinselfish encounter. |
Wreckfish |
A deep-sea fish and mussel bed |
Sailfish larva |
Deep sea anglerfish (Chaunax pictus) |
Batfish |
Batfish (underside) |
The Charleston Bump provides a valuable nursery habitat, and possibly spawning grounds, for swordfish. |
Lanternfish (myctophid) larva |
Snake mackeral larva |
Lanternfish |
Rattail fish |
Puffer larva |
Anglerfish among coral |
Anglerfish close-up |
Anglerfish close-up |
Anglerfish |
Wolf eelpout |
Eelpout |
Barracuda |
Roughtongue bass |
Hatchetfish |
Witch flounder |
Lantern fish (myctophiids) |
Sponges and a greater amberjack |
Sablefish |
Scamps and cubbyu |
Amberjack and snapper |
Various fish |
Blue angelfish and a red snapper |
Greater amberjacks |
Wreckfish |
Eel pout |
Gag grouper |
Scamp groupers |
Greater amberjack |
Amberjack school |
Snowy grouper |
Spanish flag |
Streamer bass |
Hake |
Gag grouper over oculina coral |
Scamp grouper |
Roughtongue bass |
Roughtongue bass |
Gag grouper |
Snowy grouper |
Flag rockfish |
Ratfish |
Prickleback |
Bocaccio rockfish |
School of pygmy rockfish |
School of sablefish |
Tiger rockfish and sponge |
Hagfish |
Two poachers and a rockfish |
School of yellowtail rockfish |
Longspine thornyhead rockfish |
Lantern fish (myctophiids) |
Shortspine thornyhead rockfish |
Thornyhead rockfish and brittle stars |
Rockfish |
Skates & Eels (Phylum Chordata)
August 29
Cutthroat Eel (HR) |
August 29
Pluto Skate (HR) |
Large skate egg case. |
A skate cruises along the seafloor. (HR) |
A cusk eel finding shelter under coral. |
A deep sea ray and sea whip coral as observed from Alvin. |
A deep-dwelling skate slowly swims by Alvin. |
Manta seen from Johnson Sea Link |
Manta swimming over wreck |
An Unidentified skate or ray |
Lebensspuren and an eel pout. |
A blackskate, a grenadier, sponges and anemones |
Sharptail eel |
Conger eel |
Sharks (Phylum Chordata)
Scientists were surprised by a rare sighting of a shark at the Kasuga-2 hydrothermal system. |
August 9
This Sixgill shark was captured on video this morning when the team dove to recover the Eye-In-The-Sea camera system |
August 27
A Frilled shark, in his natural habitat (HR) |
Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum). (HR) |
A large shark swimming around large clusters of Lophelia bushes. |
A shark around the camera on the ROV. |
A small shark swims nearby as scientists examine a sponge |
Summary I Spongehead catshark. |
A smalltooth sand tiger shark. |
Cuban dogfish |
Chain dogfish |
Marine Mammals and Birds
A small wood warbler, presumably blown off course while migrating from its winter home in Central or South America. |
August 9
A curious black-footed albatross circles the R/V Atlantis. |
August 9
A black-footed albatross flies close to the stern of the Atlantis at sunset. |
spotted dolphin provide a spectacular show as they ride the wake of the bow. |
a glimpse of OCNMS's astonishing living resources. |
A feeding frenzy above and below the sea surface. |
Blackfooted albatross soar over the swells. |
Blackfooted albatross travel to OCNMS. (HR) |
Breaching humpback. |
A humpback rolls on its side. |
A launch speeds toward surfacing humpbacks |
A whale's tail shows distinctive fluke patterns. (HR) |
An albatross lingers around the boat during ROV operations. |
Whale sighted off of San Miguel. |
A Dall's porpoise. (HR) |
Mother polar bear and cubs. |