Early diagram of echo-sounding
Cartoon depicting deep sea dredging
Marine Dredge
Benjamin Pierce
Steam winch with steel wire
Contoured map of Monterey Bay
Bathymetric map of shoal area in Mid-Atlantic Grave
Specimens of Globigerina
Various coral species
Explorers using a sidescan sonar
Survey of Trincomalee Canyon
Releasing a meterological radiosonde balloon
Coast Survey Steamer Blake
Electronic Position Indicator
The C&GS Ship Pioneer
Early magnetic profile
Using a precision depth recorder
Ferdinand Hassler
Alexander Dallas Bache
1880 Gulf Stream chart
The ill-fated Washington
Coast Survey Steamer Bibb
Equipment on the HMS Challenger
Coast Survey Steamer Hassler
Sigsbee Sounding Machine
First modern bathymetric map
Steel wire onboard Blake
The Blake
Fisheries Steamer Albatross
Plankton nets
Weather kite
Soundings map
Dorsey Fathometer
Davidson seamount
Submarine mountains
Radio acoustic ranging (RAR)
Timing a bomb fuse
Seismic reflection map
Navigation lattice
Ship wreck etching