See the orange bacterial mats of NW Eifuku volcano.
Around some of the sea-floor hot springs at NW Eifuku volcano.
See an extraordinary biological community of hydrothermal mussels at NW Eifuku volcano.
The hydrothermal mussels at NW Eifuku volcano Cliffhouse vent.
The bubbles of the Champagne hydrothermal system.
The central cone at East Diamante volcano.
The "Aquarium" site at East Diamante volcano.
View the 5 Towers hydrothermal vent.
See chimneys made of sulfide minerals at the Black Forest.
Sea life around the hydrothermal vents at the East Diamante volcano.
Amazing scene of billowing smoke rising from a small crater.
The incredible vista of Brimstone Pit.
A common seafloor feature in the study area was an occasional dune or hill.
A example of a vertical wall capped by a thin layer of manganese phosphorite rock.
An example of vertical topography at Sponge Cliff.
A hard layer of manganese phosphorite pavement a common type of sea floor in the Estuaries to the Abyss.
Bathynectes longspina crabs are frequently seen on the coral mounds.
The extraordinary biological diversity of the Gulf of Mexico.
Using rocks to charcterize Davidson Seamount.
Video of deep-sea life on the Galapagos Rift.
Monitor underwater footage
Monitor turret video
The beautiful and complex habitat of the Lophelia coral banks.
Ice morphology.
Ascent up the wall of Oceanographer Canyon
Reef balls
Geologic Features
White smokers at the Champagne Vent Site. (HR)
White chimneys at Champagne vent site, NW Eifuku volcano. (HR)
Close-up of bubbles at the Champagne Vent site. (HR)
The steep slope of the East Diamante volcano is seen in this image from the upper left to the lower right-hand side. (HR)
A piece of one of the chimney spires, cut in half and lined by a copper-rich mineral called chalcopyrite. (HR)
Three small (~30 cm tall) actively venting spires sit atop one of the chimneys in the Black Forest vent field. (HR)
This small, ice- cream-cone-shaped chimney is located near the base of Five Towers.
Active smoker chimneys precipitating iron, copper and zinc sulfides from 230ºC fluid. (HR)
Interlayered basaltic (dark) and felsic (light) ash layers in the east wall of West Rota caldera. (HR)
A contact point between the lower basaltic and upper felsic ash units in the wall of the West Rota caldera. (HR)
Columnar jointing in a pumice boulder on the top of West Rota volcano. (HR)
Sulfur and ash totally obscure the outcrop from our view.
Sulfur balls litter the sea floor near Brimstone Pit. (HR)
Giant smoky plume discovered near the summit of NW Rota 1 volcano. (HR)
A hydrothermal vent site near the summit of NW Rota 1 volcano.
Rock from southeastern slope of the Cape Fear Diapir.
A mud chimney encountered during Dive 3914.
Authigenic carbonate rock collected on the Blake Ridge Diapir.
Various rocks collected during the Charleston Bump expedition.
Large, table-sized slabs of rock.
Vertical cliffs with alternating layers of carbonate rock.
Manganese- phosphorite rock collected by the submersible at 1,827 ft depth.
Alderdice Bank Basalt blocks at the base of a spires with a trumpetfish in the foreground. (HR)
Alderdice Bank basalt spire. (HR)
This is a piece of 80 million year old basalt rock collected from the base of Alderdice Bank. (HR)
Comparing volcanic rocks to terrestrial rocks.
Basalt "columns".
Fractured pillow basalts.
Lava tubes.
Active chimneys on ridgetop. (HR)
Sulfide mound Magic Mountain. (HR)
Active chimneys on ridgetop. (HR)
Pillow lavas on ancient seafloor. (HR)
Sulfide chimney piece from Mystic Mound, Explorer Ridge. (HR)
Metallic sulfide ore sample. (HR)
Chimney sample embedded with "fossilized" tubeworms. (HR)
The top of a huge chimney with marker 72. (HR)
Hot fluid sampling at a black smoker vent. (HR)
Buccionid whelks and other invertebrates. (HR)
Water spewing from "Cleopatra's Needle." (HR)
Two chimneys at Majestique vent field. (HR)
Anhydrite and sulfide chimney at Majestique vent field. (HR)
Tubeworms covering a chimney named Zooarium. (HR)
Zooarium chimney. (HR)
Pillow lavas and breccia. (HR)
The ROPOS claw positioning a bacteria trap. (HR)
Sampling an inactive chimney. (HR)
Each rock is photographed with a scale before the invertebrates are removed from it.
A large live rock collected by the Johnson-Sea-Link II.
Wreckfish and rocky outcrop
Wreckfish around cave
Artist M.J. Brooks' sketches
Muddy sediment banks |
Savannah Scarp rock sample |
Savannah Scarp rock sample |
Savannah Scarp rock sample |
Phosphorite pavement
Trying to grab a rock
Seafloor community
Effect of bottom trawling
Abyssal sea floor
April 9
The top of one of the central domes in Maug caldera. (HR)
April 5
A pinnacle rises to 167 meters below the surface. (HR)
April 5
Stunning image of the Aquarium site. (HR)
Distribution of clam patches on the seafloor.
A field of mussels and the bucket of rabbit chow.
The sea bottom beneath the Gulf Stream is highly varied.
Sponges such as bryozoans and tunicates are absent from the exposed surface, yet dominate on the sheltered side. (HR)
Charleston Bump food chain
A Diagram showing the flow of energy, as food, through an idealized coral reef model.
A photograph of the mysterious basalt outcrop on Alderdice Bank.
A picture of authigenic carbonate ridges.
Thick clouds of fish around one of the basalt spires at Alderdice Bank.
A coral and sponge garden
Over 200 species of coral reef fish occur in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico.
Deep Reef Fish Diversity Legend.
Marine invertebrates in the deepwater habitat. (HR)
Brittlestars often aggregate on the soft substrate.
The shallow pinnacles at Cordell Bank.
Large pink sea fan
Fish over wreck site
turret underwater
Manta swimming over wreck
Sorting through sargassum collected during a neuston net tow.
A closeup of a small mass of sargassum weed.
Sargassum samples being sifted through.
Lines of sargassum can stretch for miles along the surface.
Amalgam of amphipods.
Elephant Island.
Tabular icebergs. (HR)
Bottom of an ice floe.
Bottom of ice floe.
Underwater ice morphology.
A channel of water between ice keels. (HR)
Artificial reef structures
Speckled hind entering a reef ball
Marine Plants
Seaweeds are pressed on herbarium sheets for further study. (HR)
Preserving a specimen in silicagel for molecular examination. (HR)
Deepwater seaweeds freshly collected. (HR)
A herbarium sheet with red algae. (HR)
Many seaweeds look superficially similar. (HR)
Diagnostic morphological features are viewed with light microscopy. (HR)
Bacterial Mats
April 12
The fluffy yellow and orange microbial mats seen at the Yellow Top venting site. (HR)
April 12
These microbial mats are similar in composition to those seen at the Yellow Top Vent site. (HR)
April 12
Yellow and orange microbial mats form a bioreactor mound with a thin crust and small chimneys on top. (HR)
April 12
Large amounts of biomass feed on white flocculent mats. (HR)
April 8
Patches of encrusting red and green algae lie beneath filamentous bacterial mats on rock surfaces. (HR)
April 5
Chemosynthetic microbial mats cover red algae and coral, which are photosynthetic. (HR)
Bacterial mat at Blake Ridge Diapir.
Orange bacterial mat
Beggiatoa bacterial mat
Bacterial mat
Bacterial mat near methane seep
Outcrop of white gas hydrate
Shrimp crawling over a gas hydrate
Marine worms in gas hydrate