Two species of shrimp at the hydrothermal vents at NW Rota 1 volcano.
Collecting an unusual species of shrimp found at the hydrothermal vent.
Scientists investigate Manning Seamount marine life collected from the Hercules biobox and basalt block.
Assorted images from the slopes of Bear Seamount.
See a sea star prey upon bamboo coral.
Basalt rocks covered in sea stars, crinoids, brisingid sea stars, sponges, and corals.
A few swarms of crabs, scavenging on some dead fish.
Spider crabs, Macroregonia macrochira, collected at 2,900 m depth on Pratt Seamount.
See how a snail fish (family Liparidae) was collected with the Alvins suction gun.
View a slide show of some of the sponges of the Alaska Seamounts.
A scarlet king crab from the genus Lithodes, which means "rock-shaped," is dissected in the lab.
A Mastigoteuthis squid, approximately six ft in length over 1,600 ft below the surface.
Video shot over 1,700 ft down in the Gulf of Mexico, shows the fluorescence of a benthic sea spider.
A huge sea anemone retrieved during the submersible dive.
A red gerion crab running along the sandy bottom.
A bathyscaphoid squid swimming.
A Venus Fly Trap sea anemone.
A giant red shrimp hovers just above the sea floor.
Slideshow of benthic invertebrates from the Charleston Bump.
Various sponges and octocorals collected during the "Deep Sea Medicines 2003 Expedition."
Crinoid swimming.
Squid swim.
collecting a crab sample.
Video of a sponge being collected.
Invertebrate slideshow.
Jellyfish encounter.
Invertebrate slideshow.
Organisms that live in the ice.
ROV sampling and a jellyfish swim.
Astoria Canyon Sights
Alvinocarid shrimp
Sponges (Phylum Porifera)
Beautiful white sponge with purple crinoids on Retriever Seamount. (HR)
Sponge encrusted rock collected at the Blake Ridge.
A "chimney" sponge and a fan-like sponge with associated sediment pile.
A "chimney" sponge may reveal new symbioses not previously witnessed. (HR)
Glass sponge, found at a depth of more than 1500 feet.
A Clathria sponge. (HR)
The bright-orange Forcepia sponge. (HR)
An unexpected finds during the first dive, Acarnus sp. (HR)
Recovered on the second dive a sponge from the Verongida family. (HR)
The sponge Forcepia is the source of the lasonolides. (HR)
Marine sponges collected during a single ROV dive at the West Flower Garden. Bank (HR)
A piece of basalt collected at 162 (HR)
Sponge and anemone
Horn-shaped vase sponges
A bizarre elephant sponge
Skeleton shrimp.
Gooseneck barnacles.
A hexactinellid sponge that anchors itself in the sediment with elongate spicules
White cup sponges.
A very large hexactinellid sponge
The Venus flower basket sponge.
Microscopic spicules from Gorgonacea sp. of sponge.
Microscopic spicules from a pachastrellid sponge.
Newly-discovered species of sponge that looks like a Christmas tree.
A hard sponge
Unidentified sponge.
Deepwater lacy bryozoan.
Phakellia sp. Deepwater fan sponge.
Leiodermatium sp., a deepwater sponge.
Glass sponge with zooanthids attached.
Deep sea glass sponges retrieved at 1400 feet.
A particularly colorful sponge collected at 198 ft.
A commensal amphipod emerges from a stinking vase sponge.
The fire sponge, Tedaria ignis.
Stacie Crowe holds the stinking sponge Ircinia campana.
Variety of sponges
Unidentified sponge
Baseball mitt-shaped sponge
Jellyfish and Sea Anemones (Phylum Cnidaria)
Purple anemone on a pumice rock along the east crater wall of West Rota volcano. (HR)
The rare and highly poisonous berried anemone of the Diaphus Bank. (HR)
Fields of white anemones along with a occasional orange gorgonians.
A deep-water anemone. (HR)
White-plumed anemone on the ocean bottom. (HR)
A flytrap anemone.
An unknown species of jellyfish.
A jellyfish. (HR)
Sea anemone.
A large grouping of deep ocean sea anemones
Bioluminescence emitted by a comb jelly
A small planktonic jellyfish with green-fluorescent tentacles.
A tiny and very dangerous Portugese Man-O-War jellyfish
Porpida porpida has a small disc like body and floats freely in the water column.
A pelagic pteropod.
A juvenile Bolinopsis ctenophore.
Botrynema ellinorae.
The hydomedusae Aglantha digitale.
The ctenophore Mertensia ovum.
The midwater hydromedusae Atolla tenella.
The scyphomedusae Chrysaora melanaster.
Midwater shrimp, Hymendora glacialis.
Chrysaora jelly.
Medusae jellyfish
Anemone wall
Deep sea anemone
Anemone, white coral, and a tanner crab
Sea Stars, Brittle Stars, Sea Urchins, Crinoids, and Sea Cucumbers (Phylum Echinodermata)
Stalked crinoid on the caldera sea floor at West Rota volcano. (HR)
Bouquet of Corallium with deep purple Trachythela octocoral, brittle stars, crinoids, and sponges. (HR)
A close look at Metallogorgia with basket star. (HR)
An asteroid sea star collected while feeding on coral. (HR)
Crinoids, a sea star, and an anemone.
Miscellaneous invertebrates from Bear seamount.
A large brisingid sea star collected from Manning Seamount.
A pencil urchin with tubeworms attached to its spines. (HR)
A colorful crinoid is just one of the interesting creatures collected.
This species of brittlestar (Astroporpa annulata) is related to basket stars and lives clinging to soft corals.
Bright orange Brittle Star.
Broken urchin, with its Aristotles Lantern fully exposed but intact.
A beautiful pale orange and white sea urchin.
Observing the locomotion of a brittle star.
Sea star collected for analysis back at one of the onshore laboratories.
Sea urchin collected for analysis at the onshore laboratories.
Sea urchin, collected during the JSL dive.
Pillow Star
A delicate juvenile sea star, Coronaster briareus. (HR)
A beautiful urchin, Astropyga magnifica. (HR)
Brittlestars reflect the broad diversity of organisms.
A Brittle Star aggregation in the sandy channels at Cordell Bank.
A sea star
A red sea star (Virsingia sp.).
Coelopleurus floridanus, a beautiful red sea urchin.
A pencil urchin brought up from one of the trawls.
Tiny brittlestars. (HR)
Seabeam map of Northampton Seamount.
Summary I A "flying" sea cucumber.
Microscopic urchin
Pencil urchin, brittle stars, and Lophelia coral
Sea star
Giant red brittle star
Brown-striped brittle stars
Red sea star
Sea star and whip coral
Brittle star
Rosethorn rockfish and crinoids
Crinoids and sponges
A featherstar and sponges
Sea stars
Seastar and shells
White sponge and reddish crinoids
Dover sole and pink sea urchins
Black crinoid
Sea stars and sea cucumbers
White sea cucumber communities
Sea urchin and 4 types of brittle stars
Squids, Octopi, Snails, Clams, and Mussels (Phylum Mollusca)
Conical limpets (2cm, 0.75 in) cover the rock surfaces at East Diamante. (HR)
In places at NW Eifuku, mussels are so dense they obscure the bottom. (HR)
The vent mussel Bathymodiolus. (HR)
Galatheid crabs and shrimp graze on bacterial filaments. (HR)
April 2
Limpets were seen grazing near the seeping fluids. (HR)
A large purple octopus.
Three live nautiliniellid worms in the mantle cavity of the clam..
Giant mussel.
Cross-section of a female vesicomyid clam.
Muscle in a vesicomyid foot.
Epithelium of vesicomyid clam gill covered with cilia.
Epithelium of vesicomyid clam gill covered with cilia.
Bed of adult and juvenile mussels.
Octopus, often collected and shipped to the Smithsonian for analysis.
This iridescent nudibranch looks like a creature from another planet.
Spiny oyster and conglomerate.
Large clams and mussels line the cracks between the pillow lavas.
Octopus. (HR)
A deep sea octopus
A squid found by the observers aboard the JSL
An Arrow squid measuring almost two feet long.
This octopus was captured in an "Otter trawl.
Animals found living in sandy sediments near rocky reefs.
Typical benthic invertebrates include marine worms, tiny crustaceans, clams, and snails.
A turkey wing mussel (Genus Arca).
Chemosynthetic mussel
Deep sea clam
Mussel bed
Mussel with gills exposed
Mollusc egg casings
Crabs and Shrimp (Phylum Crustacea)
Some common zooplankton collected near East Diamante volcano. (HR)
April 5
Close-up of a vent barnacle that were trying to identify. (HR)
April 2
Small crabs and shrimp actively roam the venting area.
March 30
Unusual spiny crab. (HR)
May 21
A crab strikes an aggressive pose. (HR)
A deep sea shrimp out in open water.
Ice shrimp.
A parasitic crustacean. (HR)
A tiny shrimp appears to mimic the translucent color of the glass sponge it inhabits.
A mass of amphipods collected with the carrion trap. (HR)
A close-up view of a tiny shrimp (amphipod).
Cumaceans, also called lollipop shrimp.
Isopods of the order of Crustacea.
This little gooseneck barnacle only eats crab carapaces.
The golden crab (Chaceon fenneri) with a black-bellied rose fish. (HR)
The deep-water galatheid Eumunida picta Longispina are commonly seen on the Lophelia mounds. (HR)
Nezumia forage along the edge of a basalt outcrop. (HR)
Portunid crab
Squat lobster.
Porcelain crab.
The shrimp Tuleariocaris neglecta. (HR)
A dorsal view of a small squat lobster, Galathea sp. (HR)
The three-toothed squat lobster, Munidopsis tridentata. (HR)
The painted squat lobster is a newly documented species in the Gulf of Mexico.
A painted squat lobster collected at Viosca Knoll.
A close-up view of a painted squat lobster collected at Viosca Knoll.
Krill and phytoplankton.
Krills from one of the ships engine filters.
A molting sea spider.
Juvenile crab
Scarlet king crabs
Pincher collection
Spider crab missing limbs.
Adult male spider crab eating a female spider crab.
Gastric mill and teeth. |
Crab ganglia. |
Couesi eggs. |
Macroreg eggs. |
Golden crab
Unidentified crab in front of sponge.
An unusual species of crab observed for the first time at the Lophelia coral banks.
A deep sea anemone and galatheid crabs seen on the Lophelia coral banks
A member of the calappidae family of crabs.
Copepod with eggs.
The amphipod, Gammarus wilkitzkii.
Close-up of egg sac.
Eukrohnia hamata with egg sac.
Amalgam of amphipods.
A midwater amphipod species.
Gammarus wilkitzkii, a n under-ice amphipod. (HR)
A hermit crab and invertebrate.
These crabs are members of the galatheid family, commonly known as squat lobsters.
A variety of invertebrates
Red crab, Chayceon quinquedens
Crab megalops
Deep-sea mussels and crab
Box crab
Porous mudstone and shrimp
Shrimp in deep-sea corals
Alvinocaris shrimp and mussel bed
Marine Worms
A close-up of the tubeworm Lamelli brachia. (HR)
A strange spoon worm, an elegant sea pen, a stalked crinoid, and two xenophyophores with brittle stars. (HR)
Microscopic image of Eunice norvegica worm. (HR)
Dorsal (top) view of the anterior (front) end of the new nautiliniellid polychaete.
Ventral (bottom) view of anterior (front) end of the new nautiliniellid polychaete.
Simple hooked chaetae in anterior segments.
Trifurcate chaetae in posterior segments.
Trifurcate (3-branched) chaetae on posterior segments.
Riftia tubeworms, mussels, and scavenging crabs at a hydrothermal vent.
Live nautiliniellid worm.
Chaetopterid polychaete removed from parchment-like tube.
Scientists discovered this syllid attached to a rock. (HR)
Pin size tube worms found at the base of the orange sponge. (HR)
Tubeworms at the Rose Bud site.
Tube worms collected at an unknown vent site.
Tiny tubes built as housing by serpulid tube-worms.
Polycheate worm. (HR)
Tubeworms and soft corals
Tube worm colonies
Closeup of tube worm colonies
Protozoans (Phylum Rhizopoda)
Unusually large single-celled protazoan organism.
Foraminiferan shells