Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the
Submarine Ring of Fire 2006: Exploration of the Mariana Arc expedition
that took place April 18 - May 13, 2006. Click on any image to view
a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon
present, a QuickTime video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other
video formats are available on the linked pages. If a Podcast icon
present, a video or audio file is available for download or you can subscribe to the RSS Podcast Feed.
If a slideshow icon is
present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll
through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.
Video & Slideshows
May 12
Extraordinary biomass, marine life and numerous hydrothermal vents, were observed at Nikko. (Quicktime, 1.7 Mb.)
May 12
The crater floor at Nikko has many sulfur chimneys, both active and inactive. (Quicktime, 1.2 Mb.)
May 12
The south rim of the summit crater at Nikko is covered by an amazing density of tubeworms. (Quicktime, 1.4 Mb.)
May 12
A close examination of what appears to be solid ground reveals a thin crust on a lake of molten sulfur! (Quicktime, 2.2 Mb.)
May 12
When Jason II ROV tries to sample a rock, it sinks through the thin
crust on a lake of molten sulfur! (Quicktime, 2 Mb.)
May 11
Discover a dense group of tonguefish on the sedimented sea floor at Daikoku. (Quicktime, 1.7 Mb.)
May 10
Panorama of the Jason group preparing for a midnight launch of the
vehicle from the fantail of the R/V Melville. (QTVR, 324 Kb.)
May 8
Scientist study the potential impact of increased CO2 levels in the marine environment. (Quicktime, 2.3 Mb.)
May 4
Liquid sulfur and volcanic gases are bubbling up from a pit at Daikoku volcano. (Quicktime, 2 Mb.)
May 4
Amazing sighting of a flatfish swimming out on the crusted-over surface of the molten sulfur pond! (Quicktime, 2 Mb.)
April 30
See how the two species of shrimp found here at NW Rota-1 volcano interact. (Quicktime, 2.3 Mb.)
April 29
Brimstone Pit erupting rhythmically with glowing red lava and gas bubbles. (Quicktime, 2.1 Mb.)
April 29
The Brimstone Pit rising lava and expanding gases looked like a seething caldron! (Quicktime, 3.3 Mb.)
April 29
Scientists recorded hydrophone sound data from NW Rota-1 during an eruption. (Quicktime MP3, 792 Kb.)
April 21
Intensely shimmering water vents from the seafloor atop Forecast Seamount. (Quicktime, 2 Mb.)
Mission Summary
A degassing event at Brimstone Pit at NW Rota-1 volcano released an extraordinary number of bubbles. (HR)
Mission Summary
The northern Mariana arc submarine volcanoes visited on the SRoF'06 expedition. (HR)
Mission Summary
A striking visualization at this site was the discovery of inactive ornamented sulfur chimneys. (HR)
Mission Summary
The southern Mariana arc submarine volcanoes visited on the SRoF'06 expedition. (HR)
May 12
Small chimneys on the sea floor of Nikko caldera venting smoke that
often impedes visibility. (HR)
May 12
A pot of molten sulfur bubbles out of the sea floor in this area of
sheets of sulfur crust. (HR)
May 12
Tubeworm "bushes" hug the edge of the sulfur crust, which is covered with crabs and flatfish. (HR)
May 12
This crab was not as lucky as Jason; it was consumed by the molten
sulfur when the crust broke. (HR)
May 12
While trying to extract a sample of the sulfur crust, Jason inadvertently
broke through the crust. (HR)
May 12
Even though it is hard to imagine looking at this image, the sulfur dip caused no damage. (HR)
May 10
The Jason group and R/V Melville crew prepare to launch the Jason II ROV for another dive. (HR)
May 10
A sulfur sample that was originally molten, but solidified quickly in the cold sea water above the bottom. (HR)
May 9
More than a week ago, the volcanic island of Anatahan was billowing smoke like an inextinguishable cigar. (HR)
May 8
One of the scientific goals of this cruise is to study the effect of lowered pH from volcanic CO2 emission on the abundant mussel communities. (HR)
May 5
A handful of the more than 400 tubes of growth media cultured to try to mimic the diverse hydrothermal vent environments.
May 5
Microbes from the exterior portion of this venting chimney were cultured for further analysis. (HR)
May 3
Just below the surface layer at Ruby there was a slightly deeper, more concentrated particle anomaly.
May 1
Beehive-type tops of the chimneys are expelling hydrothermal fluids that make "smoke" upon mixing with the surrounding seawater. (HR)
May 1
View looking down on some 1.5 m (5 ft) tall dead chimneys that grew out of a field of lava boulders. (HR)
May 1
Striking example of the iron oxide mineral hematite intergrown with barite and chalcopyrite. (HR)
May 1
The scientists observe a rare sight, overlap of chemosynthetic and photosynthetic communities. (HR)
April 30
White bacterial mats at the top of the rock provide food for the Loihi shrimp and the alvinocarid shrimp juveniles. (HR)
April 30
A close-up view of shrimp at NW Rota-1. The reason for the difference in color is not yet clear. (HR)
April 29
At Brimstone Pit the pressure of 560 m (1,837 ft) of water over the site reduces the power of the explosive bursts. (HR)
April 29
In addition to seeing new wonders, we were able to listen to the volcanic activity using a hydrophone. (HR)
April 27
The scientists on board use the remotely operated vehicle's appendages to prod the volcanoes. (HR)
April 27
Scientists and crew work together to successfully deploy the ROV for yet another dive. (HR)
April 25
Piece of andesite lava newly formed near Brimstone Pit that shows elemental sulfur infilling the vesicles in the lava. (HR)
April 24
A degassing event at Brimstone started releasing an escalating number of bubbles (probably CO2) as the plume cloud increased in volume. (HR)
April 21
A last glimpse of the island of Guam as the R/V Melville heads out of the harbor and steams toward Seamount-X. (HR)
April 21
The plethora of squat lobsters at Seamount X, disperse as the Jason II ROV comes in for a closer view. (HR)