Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the
The Hidden Ocean Arctic 2005 Exploration
that took place June 27 - July 26, 2005. Click on any image to view
a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon
present, a video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other
video formats are available on the linked pages. If a Podcast icon
present, a video or audio file is available for download or you can subscribe to the RSS Podcast Feed.
If a slideshow icon is
present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll
through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.
Video & Slideshows
July 25
A slideshow of a few of the thousands of incredible images, displaying the diversity of life that exists in the remote Arctic Ocean. (HR)
July 22
Scenes of Hidden Ocean scientists going to work on the ice during an unusually beautiful night on July 22nd. (mp4, 2.21 MB)
July 11
Experience what it is like to be an Ice diver studying the marine life living on the underside of ice floes. (mp4, 1.06 MB)
Mission Summary
Bathymetric map showing the station locations and cruise track of the USCGC Healy during the Hidden Ocean expedition. (HR)
Mission Summary
The Global Explorer remotely operated vehicle (ROV) is equipped with 3 standard and 1 high definition camera.
Mission Summary
The science team and Healy crewmembers pose for a group picture on the Healy's helo deck. (HR)
July 24
An ice diver takes a picture of the view looking up at the surface through their dive entry hole with an underwater camera. (HR)
July 24
Ice Divers Katrin Iken and Elizabeth Calvert are about to descend through a small hole in the ice. (HR)
July 22
Rolf Gradinger is silhouetted by the Arctic sun while collecting one of the last ice cores of the cruise. (HR)
July 22
Sometimes you just have to take a few moments to enjoy and fully appreciate your surroundings. (HR)
July 22
The midnight sun casts spectacular shadows on the HEALY's hull during personnel and equipment retrieval. (HR)
July 21
Scientists are lowered down onto Arctic ice in a “man lift.” Sea-ice supports a variety of life and is integral to the Arctic Ocean’s food web. (HR)
July 20
The Photographic Platform was one of three tools send down to explore the pockmarks on the ocean floor.
July 19
Aulococtena is the size and color of an orange and has two tentacles that are white, thick, unbranched and very sticky. (HR)
July 13
US Coast Guard Cutter HEALY operates with a compliment of two Coast Guard HH-65B Dolphin Helicopters. (HR)
July 13
Vertical Replenishment (VERTREP) entails flying cargo nets full of equipment suspended below the helicopter.
July 13
All personnel and scientific equipment for the cruise are brought aboard exclusively by helicopter. (HR)
July 11
Ice divers use a quadrat to study the density of creatures living on the underside of ice floes. (HR)
July 10
Some of the puddles are melted through the entire ice floe thickness and are used by our divers. (HR)
July 8
The North Slope Borough Department of Search and Rescue (NBSAR) helicopter approaches the HEALY over ice-covered waters. (HR)
July 7
Scientist Bodil Bluhm looks at the benthic treasures brought up by the beam trawl under a microscope. (HR)
July 5
Enlarging the specimen onto a screen provides scientists a clearer view to study their subjects.
July 4
An operational multi-net used to collect zooplankton samples from different depths in the water column. (HR)
June 29
Scientist lower containers through a hole in the ice to collect water samples from different depths. (HR)
June 28
Ice Divers enter the water while a Coast Guard Petty Officer tends the line and a safety diver stands by.
June 28
The CTD cast and rosette full of water sampling containers are lowered into the icy waters below. (HR)
June 27
Members of the Healy crew and aviation division work together to secure equipment for the airlift.
June 27
A US Coast Guard helicopter flies the equipment and scientists to the Coast Guard Cutter Healy. (HR)