
These images represent a visual collection of images from the The Hidden Ocean, Arctic 2005 Exploration. You can scroll through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow. This page is best viewed in Netscape 7.1+ or Internet Explorer 5+.

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Clark submarine volcano viewed from the southeast looking northwest.


45 members of the science team and 75 Coast Guard crew teamed up for the month long Hidden Ocean expedition to remote parts of the Arctic Ocean. A multitude of science operations were conducted around the clock, ranging from ROV and instrument deployments, to filtering water samples and examining creatures collected under a microscope. The science team examined all realms of the Arctic Ocean, from the sea-ice cover, into the pelagic realm, all the way down to the deep seafloor.

Related Links

The Hidden Ocean, Arctic 2005

The Hidden Ocean, Arctic 2005: Summary

NOAA Ocean Explorer Gallery