Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the
Thunder Bay Sinkholes 2008 exploration from September 2 – 12, 2008 on Lake Huron. Click on any image to view
a larger version and for additional information.
If a movie camera icon is
present, a QuickTime video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other
video formats are available on the linked pages. If a Podcast icon
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through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.
Video & Slideshows
September 10
View a video of a bottom-resting tripod as it is deployed near the Middle Island Sinkhole. (Quicktime, 2.6 Mb.)
September 5
View a video of the deployment of the Phantom ROV for exploration of the Isolated Sinkhole (Quicktime, 2.1 Mb.)
September 12
Divers Joe Hoyt and Russ Green prepare to dive the Middle Island Sinkhole, assisted by Scott Kendall, Steve Nold, and Tom Joyce.
September 12
Andrew Yagiela and Jody Breen maneuver the Phantom ROV on the deck of the research vessel Laurentian, preparing for operations.
September 11
Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary diver Russ Green explores the wreck of the 19th century schooner Barney.
September 11
A part of the German freighter Nordmeer still protrudes from the waters of Lake Huron in the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
September 10
A bottom-resting tripod, equipped with a suite of sensors, sits on the deck of the R/V Laurentian, awaiting deployment near the Isolated Sinkhole.
September 10
Out near the Isolated Sinkhole, a sensor that measures turbidity (transmissometer) is recovered from a previously deployed tripod.
September 9
A conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor is deployed near the Middle Island Sinkhole.
September 9
Experiencing data collection first hand, scientists watch the piloting of the Phantom ROV.
September 8
A juvenile cormorant investigates the ROV, while the R/V Laurentian is anchored over the Isolated Sinkhole.
September 7
The ROV's umbilical pumps groundwater from the bottom of the sinkhole to the surface for sample collection.
September 7
Groundwater samples collected for future analysis will be tested for radium, chlorine, oxygen, and hydrogen.
September 7
Steve Ruberg and Tom Novell hold samples of water to be used for radioactive chlorine analysis.