Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the
Life on the Edge 2005 expedition
that took place October 16 - November 1, 2005. Click on any image to view
a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon
present, a QuickTime video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other
video formats are available on the linked pages.
If a slideshow icon
present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll
through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.
Video & Slideshows

Collection of images from the North Atlantic Stepping Stones expedition.

September 1
Alex Gagnon of the California Institute of Technology discusses the use of coral fossils to tell a story. (QuickTime, 1.8 Mb)

August 28
Rhian Waller of WHOI and Scott France of the University of Louisiana discuss the processing of specimens. (QuickTime, 2.0 Mb)

August 22
Video of the Milne-Edwards and Verrill Seamounts. (QuickTime, 1.8 Mb)

August 20
Scott France discusses the coral diversity in the Corner Rise Seamount Chain. (QuickTime, 1.7 Mb)

August 20
Collection of images from the first day of the North Atlantic Stepping Stones expedition.

August 18
Scientist Les Watling discusses biogeography of fauna over images of a variety of coral species. (QuickTime, 1.9 Mb)

August 18
Collection of images from the first day of the North Atlantic Stepping Stones expedition.

August 14
Collection of images from the first day of the North Atlantic Stepping Stones expedition.

August 12
Collection of images from the first day of the North Atlantic Stepping Stones expedition.

August 8
Collection of images from the first day of the North Atlantic Stepping Stones expedition.

A red shrimp is visible in the branches of a Chrysogorgia coral.

Oreo dory or false boarfish at Corner Rise.

An unidentified sea pen shares a pit with a shrimp.

A shot of ROV Hercules from ROV Argus.

Larval settlement blocks.

Bathymetry of the Lyman Seamount, shaded relief map. (HR)

September 3
Walter Cho, Sarah L'Heureux, Rhian Waller and Kate Buckman, all of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (HR)

September 3
Rhian Waller and Sarah L'Heureux of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (HR)

September 3
Sarah L'Heureux of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution participates in the 'bucket brigade'. (HR)

September 3
Todd Gregory of the Institute for Exploration pilots the ROV Hercules. (HR)

September 1
Coral polyps and tissue have been removed from a branch of a bamboo coral.

September 1
Tall, whip-like Lepidisis bamboo corals with pigtail coils and a rust-colored black coral. (HR)

August 31
Susan Mills retrieves a settlement block from the ROV Hercules. (HR)

August 31
Hercules recovers a settlement block from one of the experimental sites. (HR)

August 31
Several animals are visible on this block, including a white sea urchin. (HR)

August 31
Susan Mills examines a settlement block under a microscope. (HR)

August 30
Paula Carlton, Teacher at Sea, photographs coral specimens in the Bio/Analytical Lab (HR)

August 30
Paula Carlton, Teacher at Sea, examines specimens in the Bio/Analytical Lab on the Ronald H. Brown. (HR)

August 28
A close-up view of the polyps of the bamboo coral Keratoisis. (HR)

August 28
A red crab at 020 meters depth. (HR)

August 28
The most abundant deep-water hard coral in the world's oceans (Lophelia pertusa). (HR)

August 28
Several sponges cling to the vertical face of a wall. (HR)

August 26
The Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Hercules searches for deep sea fauna. (HR)

August 26
The ROV Hercules is oriented back to back with the ship while the ROV Argus is lifted in to the water. (HR)

August 26
The Institute for Exploration (IFE) team checks out the ROV Argus. (HR)

August 26
Todd Gregory of the University of Rhode Island checks out the ROV Hercules. (HR)

August 26
Brennan Phillips of IFE looking over the ROV Hercules, post dive. (HR)

August 26
Todd Gregory of the University of Rhode Island (URI) pilots the ROV Hercules. (HR)

August 24
Blue Antimora. (HR)

August 24
A grenadier drifts by a black coral. (HR)

August 24
False Boarfish. (HR)

August 24
Halosaur. (HR)

August 22
Bathymetry of the Milne-Edwards (western) and Verrill Seamounts (eastern), shaded relief map.

August 22
A close-up of the coral Iridogorgia showing the feeding polyps lined up on one side of the branches.

August 22
The backside of an Enallopsammia hard coral attached to basalt rock on Verrill Seamount

August 22
Kate Buckman, Peter Auster, and Susan Mills on watch in the control van.

August 20
A Metallogorgia coral on a sediment-free ledge at 1600 meters depth. (HR)

August 20
A bamboo coral and other suspension feeders grow on a rocky outcrop at 1630 meters depth. (HR)

August 20
The science party consults with Allen Gontz of the University of Massachusetts. (HR)

August 18
Enallopsammia coral from Lyman Seamount.

August 18
Bathymetry of the Lyman Seamount, shaded relief map.

August 18
Top view of a stalked crinoid next to the bamboo coral (Acanella).

August 14
Bushy black coral (Leiopathes sp.) collected from 1643m depth on Bear Seamount. (HR)

August 14
A juvenile groomed poodle coral (Metallogorgia melanotrichos) collected from 1491m depth on Bear Seamount. (HR)

August 14
The branched bottlebrush black coral (Parantipathes sp.) collected from Lyman Seamount. (HR)

August 14
Bottlebrush white coral (Thouarella sp.) collected from 1458m depth on Manning Seamount. (HR)

August 12
View of live Metallogorgia melanotrichos polyp with gonads. (HR)

August 12
Colony of Metallogorgia melanotrichos on New England Seamount Chain. (HR)

August 12
Histological section of Metallogorgia melanotrichos polyp with developing eggs (oocytes). (HR)

August 10
Chief Scientist Les Watling, University of Maine leads a planning discussion among the science team. (HR)

August 10
Nets to be used in collecting specimens of coral fossils. (HR)

August 10
Pamela Lezaeta of the Institute for Exploration coordinates a review of operations in the control van. (HR)

August 10
Timothy Shank of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (HR)

August 8
Kate Buckman and Giora Proskurowski, both of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (HR)

August 8
NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown Chief Boatswain Bruce Cowden putting the finishing touches on a painting. (HR)