Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the
New Zealand American Submarine Ring of Fire: Exploration of the Mariana Arc expedition
that took place April 3 - May 10, 2005. Click on any image to view
a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon
present, a QuickTime video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other
video formats are available on the linked pages.
If a slideshow icon is
present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll
through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.
Video & Slideshows
Visit the Kermadec Arc
virtual fly-throughs for the nine individual dive sites.
Take A Virtual Tour of the Leg 1 NZA SRoF '05 Kermadec Arc Submarine Volcanoes! (Quicktime, 2.9 Mb.)
May 5
Sequence of waves that hit the stern of the KoK during one of the recent storms that the vessel has endured.
May 4
See a slide show of the seafloor surrounding Healy caldera, where metal-rich hydrothermal vent plumes were discovered.
April 15
View a slide show of the diverse biological fauna and marine life that the Macauley cone hydrothermal vent system supports.
April 15
Diverse marine life found at relatively shallow depths on the Macauley cone. (Quicktime, 1.9 Mb.)
April 12
A brightly colored octopus encounters the submersible near a hydrothermal vent at Monowai caldera (Quicktime, 1.8 Mb.)
April 12
Witness the intense competition for food around a vent at Monowai
caldera (Quicktime, 1.8 Mb.)
Leg 2 Summary
An overall image of the New Zealand American Submarine Ring of Fire 2005 expedition dive sites.
Leg 2 Summary
The chemosynthetic biological communities on the Kermadec Arc are dominated by mussels. (HR)
Leg 2 Summary
Metal rich high-temperature venting on the northwest caldera wall of Brothers Volcano produces these black smoker chimneys. (HR)
May 9
Map view of Brothers submarine volcano. The NZASRoF 2005 Pisces V dives are indicated in the northwest caldera area.
May 6
Map view of Rumble V submarine volcano. The two Pisces V dives at Rumble V were near the summit of the volcano.
May 6
Among the cracks of the pillow lavas and above them were numerous fish - bluenose, roughy and alfonsino. (HR)
May 6
Areas of brownish/yellowish and sometimes whitish crust are observed on the slope of Rumble V. (HR)
May 4
Healy submarine volcano with Pisces V dive tracks (PV-625 and PV-627) overlaid on the bathymetry.
April 30
Sampling hydrothermal oxide/silica crusts and a sponge at Clark Volcano (994 meters, 3260 feet). (HR)
April 29
The galley crew (Paul Ramos and Jan Sobolewski ) of the K-o-K hard at work preparing and serving three meals a day.
Leg 1 Summary
Research vessel Ka'imikai-o-Kanaloa (front right), resting in port at Tauranga, New Zealand. (HR)
April 22
Tubeworms grow at the base of a rock outcrop that is covered with bivalves at Volcano W. (HR)
April 18
The shallow depth to the top of Giggenbach volcano (~100 m) meant that sunlight penetrated the ocean. (HR)
April 18
This huge grouper, over 1 meter (~3.5 feet) in length, was a constant companion of Pisces V. (HR)
April 18
Iron and silica rich chimneys on the summit of Giggenbach volcano are evidence of warm springs. (HR)
April 18
The cloudy gases collected from the boiling vent can be seen in the top third of the sample tube. (HR)
April 15
Pisces V samples deposits of elemental sulfur (yellow) that were extruded on the seafloor. (HR)
April 15
Highly altered volcanic sediment above a hydrothermal vent at the bottom of the crater at Macauley cone. (HR)
April 14
Chief Pilot Terry Kerby (lower left)looks up through the hatch from inside the Pisces V submersible.
April 14
he pilot looks out the center viewport and the co-pilot and observer look out the other two windows. (HR)
April 14
View out the porthole of Pisces V as it samples hydrothermal vent fluid from a seafloor hotspring at Monowai volcano.
April 12
Spectacular tubes of lava covered in limpets wind their way down the slopes of the volcanic ridge. (HR)
April 12
Extraordinary numbers of mussels are fighting for a piece of real estate on this rocky outcrop. (HR)
April 12
Enormous numbers of crabs were seen in the Mussel Ridge vent area often fighting over their next meal. (HR)
April 12
A basketball-sized jellyfish passes directly in front of the viewport on the Pisces V submarine. (HR)
April 12
Spaghetti-like tubeworms happily living amongst mussels, anemones, a vent fish, and hungry crabs. (HR)
April 5
Map view of Monowai submarine volcano, featuring the cone in the south-southwest and the caldera to the northeast. (HR)
April 5
Dave Butterfield, Bob Embley, Gary Massoth, and Terry Kerby (chief Pisces pilot) discuss the hazards of diving on Monowai
April 5
Terry Kerby shows the scientific party the sampling basket arrangement on the front of the sub. (HR)
April 3
The research vessel Ka'imikai-o-Kanaloa (KOK) at the pier in Pago Pago, American Samoa. (HR)