Beyond the Blue: Papahānaumokuākea Mapping
(EX2403, EX2404, EX2501)
Hawaiian Word of the Day
Throughout the Beyond the Blue: Papahānaumokuākea Mapping expeditions, join Native Hawaiian cultural liaisons aboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer as they introduce a series of Hawaiian words connected to ocean exploration.
During the Papahānaumokuākea Mapping 2 expedition, from July 18 - August 12, 2024, Kala Hind-Boyd will introduce a set of words developed in anticipation of this expedition. For each word, Kala has also provided an example sentence in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi along with its English translation.
All videos courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Beyond the Blue 2024.
Hoʻoikaika kino: Exercise
Maika’i ka hoʻoikaika kino no ke ola kino. Exercise is good for your health. Download largest version (mp4, 6.93 MB)
Moe: Horizontal
Moe ka lā ma’ō ka ʻilikai. The sun rests beyond the horizon. Download largest version (mp4, 4.77 MB)
Makani: Wind
Lele nā manu i ka makani. The birds fly into the wind. Download largest version (mp4, 11.3 MB)
ʻAkau: Right [directional], north(ern)
Hāpai kou lima ʻakau. Raise your right hand. Download largest version (mp4, 6.04 MB)
Hema: Left [directional], south(ern)
Hoihoi ka palalē o hema. The southern accent is interesting. Download largest version (mp4, 5.6 MB)
Makau: Fish hook
ʻIke ʻia ka makau a Maui i ka pō aniani. Maui’s fish hook can be seen on a clear night. Download largest version (mp4, 5.48 MB)
Kaula: Rope
Naki’i ka pu’ulu me ke kaula. Tie a bundle with rope. Download largest version (mp4, 8 MB)
Hōʻihi: Reverence
Ko’iko’i ka hōʻihi ma ka moku ho’okele. It is important to have respect on a voyaging vessel. Download largest version (mp4, 11 MB)
ʻImi: To search
Ke ʻimi nei au io ka ilikai. I’m searching beyond the horizon. Download largest version (mp4, 9.37 MB)
Komohana: West
Napo’o ka la I komohana. The sun sets in the west. Download largest version (mp4, 8.66 MB)
ʻAle: Wave
Nalo ka hiamoe mamuli oka ʻale ko’iko’i. Sleep was lost because of the choppy waves. Download largest version (mp4, 4.79 MB)
Haleku’ai: Store
Nui na mea e ku’ai ai ma ka haleku’ai. There is a lot to buy at the store. Download largest version (mp4, 7.86 MB)
Hikina: East
Puka mai ka la ma ka hikina. The sun rises in the east. Download largest version (mp4, 8.67 MB)
Hoʻokele: To navigate, to voyage
Ke hoʻokele nei makau ka hui noi’i moana ma ka moku o Okeanos. We, the deep-sea researchers, are voyaging on the Okeanos. Download largest version (mp4, 9.14 MB)
During the Papahānaumokuākea Mapping 1 expedition, from June 21 - July 9, 2024, Malia Kapuaonālani Evans and Makoa Pascoe introduced a new word each day from a lexicon developed by members of the Native Hawaiian Cultural Working Group and assembled in support of expeditions in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument aboard Ocean Exploration Trust’s Exploration Vessel Nautilus, in order to develop a shared terminology for deep-sea expeditions and to uplift and celebrate the vibrant resurgence of ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (the Hawaiian language). You can also find these terms in the education resource Nā Huaʻōlelo Huakaʻi ʻAumoana - Visual Vocabulary 'Ōlelo Hawaiʻi and English.
All videos courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Beyond the Blue 2024. Developed in partnership with the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, and Ocean Exploration Trust.
Moku: Ship
The name of this moku is Okeanos Explorer. Download largest version (mp4, 11.7 MB)
Haumāna: Student or intern
These haumāna are learning their way around NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer’s control room. Download largest version (mp4, 4.69 MB)
Limahana moku: Ship's crew
Limahana moku fueling up for the day in the mess hall on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. Download largest version (mp4, 5.91 MB)
Hae Hawaiʻi: Hawaiian flag
The Hae Hawaiʻi proudly flying on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. Download largest version (mp4, 9.69 MB)
Lei laukī: Ti leaf lei
A beautiful lei laukī adorns NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorerʻs bridge. Download largest version (mp4, 10.7 MB)
Huakaʻi: Expedition
Our huakaʻi will take us up into Papahānaumokuākea. Download largest version (mp4, 8.8 MB)
Alakaʻi: Expedition leader
Our alakaʻi for this expedition is Thomas Morrow. Download largest version (mp4, 7.1 MB)
Ana papakū moana: Seafloor mapping
Ana papakū moana is the main mission of this expedition into Papahānaumokuākea. Download largest version (mp4, 8.5 MB)
Hāpana kai: Water sample
Hāpana kai is collected from Niskin bottles on the conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) rosette. Download largest version (mp4, 5.0 MB)
Mauna kai: Seamount
Mauna kai discovery 260 miles ʻākau (north) of Lalo. Download largest version (mp4, 7.2 MB)
Kualono: Ridge
Image of a kualono discovered 260 miles ʻākau (north) of Lalo. Download largest version (mp4, 6.67 MB)
Kaiaola: Ecosystem
Papahānaumokuākea is home to some of the world’s most unique kaiaola. Download largest version (mp4, 7.54 MB)
Koʻa: Coral
A live video feed of koʻa in waters off of Keahole point on Hawaiʻi island, with the video brought to us by MegaLab. Download largest version (mp4, 6.97 MB)
Published July 2, 2024
Last updated August 8, 2024