Thanks to everyone who joined us for our Tweet Chat with David Lang on June 19. David talked about developing tools that will allow ANYONE to explore the depths of the ocean. In case you missed it, we've copied the transcript from the conversation below (with Twitter user names removed).
Hello! Welcome to our Tweet Chat on making ocean exploration a possibility for everyone. #OE2020
Today we are joined by David Lang, Eric Stackpole, & Colin Ho of @OpenROV. #OE2020
@OpenROV is an open-source underwater robot that anyone can buy a kit to assemble and then being exploring. #OE2020
@OpenROV is also a global community of DIY ocean explorers working, tinkering, & improving the design. #OE2020
To participate, please submit your questions and comments using the #OE2020 hashtag. We will answer as many as we can.
Q1: David, how can we get @OpenROV hardware into the hands of as many students as possible? #OE2020
A1: Easy-to-use curriculum. Educators working on it. Having remote Internet control for schools that can’t make it out. #OE2020
A1: Also, institutional funding wouldn't hurt. :) #OE2020
Other DIY tools for ocean exploration, like the #OpenCTD project, will help get more people out exploring. #OE2020
Q2: how deep can the ROVs go? Are there temperature limits/can they be used under ice? #OE2020
A2: Designed to go to 100 m – pressure-tested at this depth. Deepest dive to 20 m. #OE2020
A2: Don't know upper temp limits; for lower temps, any water colder than freezing is ice. Yes, can be used under ice. #OE2020
Q3: Any discussions on an @OpenROV #OpenCTD mashup? #OE2020
A3: Yes! Check out … #OE2020
Question from @OpenROV for you: What would YOU explore if you could go anywhere with an OpenROV? #OE2020
Q4: what do you use to control the system while it is underwater? #OE2020
A4: Just need a laptop…ROV hosts web server, so you just need to log in! Then use a game pad controller or keyboard. #OE2020
Q5: What is your vision for citizen science? Where do you see open source projects like this 2020? #OE2020
A5: This is just the beginning. Future of ocean exploration is anyone can participate…tools getting better, cheaper... #OE2020
A5: …anyone will have access via Internet. Barriers continue to drop...more people will participate, not just watch. #OE2020
What does "citizen science" mean to you? For @OpenROV, it's that anyone w/ an Internet connection can become an amateur explorer. #OE2020
Q6: What about the idea of gamifying it like Digital Fishers or SeaFloor Explorer meets MATE Competition? #OE2020
A6: More like Jacques Cousteau meets Wikipedia… #OE2020
Q7: Bioblitzes - Open ROV meets @REEF_org /@ReefCheck #OE2020
A7: Great idea! @REEF_org /@ReefCheck shown what's possible w/ citizen science. Imagine if we had more eyes in the water! #OE2020
Great questions, folks! We've got about 10 mins in our chat w/ @OpenROV. What do YOU want to know? #OE2020
That ends our Tweet Chat. Always feel free to tweet questions to @OpenROV – they’re always around & willing to help. #OE2020
Making Ocean Exploration More Accessible, Affordable, & Awesome: A Tweet Chat