Thanks to everyone who joined us for our Tweet Chat with David Lang on June 19. David talked about developing tools that will allow ANYONE to explore the depths of the ocean. In case you missed it, we've posted a copy of the transcript from the conversation (with Twitter user names removed).
Have you ever dreamed of being an ocean explorer? Well, we’re about to introduce you to someone who is working to bring you a little closer to that reality.
On June 19, David Lang, co-founder of OpenROV , will join us for a Tweet Chat about making ocean exploration more accessible to everyone. OpenROV is an open-source underwater robot that anyone can buy a kit to assemble and then begin exploring.
During the hour, David will talk to us about how anyone, anywhere with the right interest and drive can become an ocean explorer. He’ll talk about turning ideas into reality. And he’ll chat about the importance of forming a community of like-minded “citizen explorers” working together to make exploration of the underwater realm possible. By banding together in the spirit of innovation, it is possible for all of us – even YOU – to make a contribution to our understanding of the ocean.
So join NOAA and the Aquarium of the Pacific as we invite David Lang for a Tweet Chat on June 19. Ask your questions about bringing ocean exploration to everyone and then get ready to go out and explore…
David Lang is a co-founder of OpenROV. David is a contributing editor to MAKE: Magazine and the author of the upcoming book, Zero to Maker. He was named a 2013 TED Fellow. Prior to underwater robots, David managed OCSC Sailing in Berkeley, California, where he helped hundreds of students learn to sail and led sailing adventures around the world.
OpenROV is just one small underwater robot available. NOAA does not endorse the products and services of OpenROV over those of any other company or firm.
What: Use Twitter to chat with OpenROV co-founder David Lang
When: Wednesday, June 19, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. ET (11:00 a.m. PT)
How: Tweet your questions to @oceanexplorer using hashtag #OE2020