Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the
Bioluminescence 2009 Exploration from July 20-30, 2009 . Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information.
If a movie camera icon is present, a video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Multiple video formats are available on the linked pages. If a Podcast icon
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If a slideshow icon is present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.

July 29
See a gooseneck barnacle, nestled within a Gerardia, peer at the submersible as it
visits his home at 2,000 feet.
July 27
View this video to see the squat lobster, Gastroptychus spinifer, seemingly at home perched on a sea whip and feeding.
July 26 Mystery
Watch an EITS video clip of a school of playful Cuban Dogfish Shark as they swim around the EITS shortly after its deployment.
July 26 Mystery Solved
View footage captured by the Eye-in-the-Sea (EITS) revealing how it was knocked over and dragged.
July 25
Rare footage of a sea cucumber swimming in the deep-sea. The specimen swims directly into the Johnson Sea Link's grab sampler.
July 23
Dr. Sönke Johnsen, Dr. Alison Sweeney, Dr. Steven Haddock and Brian Cousin participate in a blue-water dive.
July 21
View a video clip taken during this morning's dive with shots of Cuban Dogfish Shark attacking bait on the Eye-in-the-Sea.
Video of scientists observing an Eye-in-the-Sea recovery by the Johnson Sea Link (JSL) submersible.
Mission Plan
Video showing a deep sea coral bioluminescing as it is agitated by the manipulator arm of the JSL II submersible.
July 29
Marine Biologist undergraduate student gets doused with sea water after his first submersible dive experience. (HR)
July 29
NOAA/OER Web Coordinator, Susan Gottfried, is pictured in the Johnson Sea Link
aft chamber. (HR)
July 29
Johnson Sea Link pilot, Frank Lombardo, shown in the aft chamber of the Johnson
Sea Link submersible. (HR)
July 26
The JSL Crew and the crew of the Seward Johnson work in tandem for a successful launch/recovery of the sub. (HR)
July 25
Chief Scientist Tammy Frank and Educator-at-Sea Angela Lewis pose in front of the Johnson Sea-Link II submersible. (HR)
July 25
Dr. Tammy Frank and Dr. Chuck Messing look for fluorescence using blue light and yellow lenses. (HR)
July 23
Lilyopsis siphonophore, white light, but fluorescence is so bright it is easily visible. (HR)
July 22
Dr. Tamara Frank, chief scientist and graduate advisor, and Gabby Barbarite prepare to enter the Johnson Sea Link II. (HR)
July 22
Grad student, Gabby Barbarite, peers out of the aft compartment porthole during her first submersible dive experience. (HR)
July 22
A close-up of a Blotched Catshark (Scyliorhinus meadi) which had become entangled in a bait bag on the Eye-in-the-Sea. (HR)
July 20
Dr. Erika Raymond, Dr. Sönke Johnsen, and Marine Biology undergrad, Ryan Keith, prepare the Eye-in-the-Sea. (HR)
July 20
Dr. Alison Sweeney contemplates the expedition during the first day transit to the Bahamas. (HR)
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