Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos regarding the
Bermuda: Search for Deep Water Caves 2009 exploration, taking place this year from September 5 to September 30. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information.
If a movie camera icon is present, a video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Multiple video formats are available on the linked pages. If a Podcast icon
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If a slideshow icon is present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.

September 28 Log
The ROV collects a rock sample in about a 60-meter (197-foot) depth and brings it to the surface for future analysis.
September 25 Log
The R/V Endurance captain, Tim Hasselbring, deploys the sea anchor off the bow to steady the boat.
Mission Summary
See a slideshow of the Bermuda: Search for Deep Water Caves 2009 Exploration's photos.
Mission Summary
Dr. Rikk Kvitek and graduate student Krystle Gomez prepare the ROV for deployment in the waters off the Bermuda Platform.
Mission Summary
A potential deep-water cave, initially pinpointed by sonar and then explored with the ROV.
Mission Summary
Dr. Tom Iliffe pays close attention as the ROV explores targets identified as potential cave locations during the multibeam survey.
September 28 Log
Todd Hallenbeck focuses on the live video feed, while he pilots the ROV beneath the surface of Bermuda’s waters. (HR)
September 28 Log
Colorful reef fish as seen through the ROV's camera during a dive to explore for caves. (HR)
September 25 Log
The SeaBotix LBV ROV is used for exploration of potential underwater caves during the expedition. (HR)
September 25 Log
Dr. Rikk Kvitek and Krystle Gomez position the acoustic transducer off the side of the boat. (HR)
September 25 Log
A wireless headset allows Krystle Gomez, working on the back deck, to communicate with the ROV pilot. (HR)
September 24 Log
The wreck of the HMS Vixen, which was sunk during World War II to block the channel into Hamilton from German U-boats. (HR)
September 24 Log
Flying fish are a common sight in the waters just outside Bermuda’s protective reef. (HR)
September 21 Log
Dr. Rikk Kvitek prepares to deploy the ROV with a clump weight attached to help it descend faster. (HR)
September 21 Log
Todd Hallenbeck, Krystle Gomez, and Alexis Hall prepare the ROV for launch and exploration. (HR)
September 19 Log
CSUMB graduate student Katie Glitz installs computer platforms on the scientific lab tables inside the R/V Endurance. (HR)
September 19 Log
The cabin of the R/V Endurance before the expedition team installed its equipment. (HR)
September 19 Log
The cabin of the R/V Endurance with all the scientific equipment and computers installed and ready to explore! (HR)
Origin of Bermuda
The view across the Bermuda showing the relationship between limestone and volcanic rocks. (HR)
Origin of Bermuda
The crustacean order Mictacea is represented by only a single species, Mictocaris halop. (HR)
Multibeam sonar transducers deployed at the end of a pole secured alongside the boat. (HR)
Multibeam bathymetric map of a section of the submerged cliff line surrounding Bermuda at 100 meter depth. (HR)
Mission Plan
Tom Iliffe examines a large stalagmite in the North Shore Passage of Green Bay Cave, Bermuda. (HR)
Mission Plan
Tom Iliffe dives with a Megalodon closed-circuit rebreather to collect small animals. (HR)