Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the
the RUSALCA 2009 expedition that set sail on August 22 from Nome, Alaska, on the Russian research vessel Professor Khromov, for a 40-day voyage into the Bering Strait and northwards to the Pacific side of the Arctic Ocean. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information.
If a movie camera icon is present, a video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Multiple video formats are available on the linked pages. If a Podcast icon
is present, a video or audio file is available for download or you can subscribe to the RSS Podcast Feed.
If a slideshow icon is present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.

September 29 Log
Sang Lee and Hyoung Min Joo at the northernmost station of the 2009 RUSALCA expedition.
September 28 Log
Elizaveta Ershova, Cornelia Jaspers, and Russ Hopcroft steady the "bongo" plankton net package.
September 25 Log
Marlene Jeffries fills a sample bottle with water from a Niskin bottle mounted to the rosette.
September 15 Log
Mike Kong, Vladimir Bakhmutov, Dan Torres, and Russ Hopcroft help guide the swinging rosette to its palette.
September 11 Log
Aleksey Ostrovski (center) translates between Chief of Expeditions Vladimir Bakhmutov (left) and graduate student Jared Weems (right)
Mission Plan
Russ Hopcroft of University of Alaska – Fairbanks displays one of the larger and more festive starfish brought up in a benthic trawl.