Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the
Expedition to the Deep Slope exploration
that took place May 7 - June 2, 2006. Click on any image to view
a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon
present, a QuickTime video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other
video formats are available on the linked pages. If a Podcast icon
is present, a video or audio file is available for download or you can subscribe to the RSS Podcast feed.
If a slideshow icon is present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.
Video & Slideshows
May 24
The Avon and Atlantis are a welcome sight for scientists after every Alvin dive. (Quicktime, 1.2 Mb)
May 20
Alvin pilot Pat Hickey collects one of the largest specimens of Bathymodiolus brooksi ever seen. (Quicktime, 2.0 Mb)
May 17
Video of the interface between an extensive mussel bed on a large mud flow and brine seep feature. (Quicktime, 2 Mb)
May 15
This short video clip shows a very "quick" subset of a typical Alvin launch. (Quicktime, 2.0 Mb)
May 10
The submersible pilot grabs one of corers with the manipulator and pushes it into the sediment. (Quicktime, 778 Kb)
Mission Summary
This giant isopod is a representative of one of approximately nine species of large isopods. (HR)
Mission Summary
The Alvin submersible is rolled out of its hangar and back to the Atlantis fantail. (HR)
Mission Summary
Final safety checks are carefully run before the A-frame gently lowers Alvin into the Gulf of Mexico. (HR)
June 1
Map of the world's ocean showing target areas for Biogeography of Chemosynthetic Ecosystems research.
June 1
Final safety checks are carefully run through before the Alvin descends to the sea floor. (HR)
May 31
After a successful Alvin launch, second mate Pete Leonard pilots the Avon back to the R/V Atlantis. (HR)
May 31
Alvin chief pilot Bruce Strickrott peers out of the submersible while flying along the sea floor. (HR)
May 28
Cindy Petersen is still all smiles after dissecting several hundred smelly sulfide-laden mussels. (HR)
May 26
Every movement the Alvin makes is recorded by computers on board the ship and on the Alvin itself. (HR)
May 24
The R/V Atlantis and DSV Alvin combine to form one of the premier ocean science exploration and research tandems. (HR)
May 23
Kazumi Shibata, a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution technician, directs the winch operator during the CTD deployment.
May 21
The Atlantis crew shuttles additional members of the science party to the ship from the Gyre. (HR)
May 21
Alvin captured this image of the elusive Coral Garden with the downward-looking still camera. (HR)
May 20
Scientists discovered several communities of football-size mussels, Bathymodiolus brooksi. (HR)
May 20
The symbionts in B. heckerae are much more closely related to the symbionts in a species of mussel off the western coast of Africa. (HR)
May 19
Texas A&M-Corpus Christi student Adriana Leiva is all smiles during her dive in the Alvin submersible. (HR)
May 17
Once back on the ship, Harry Roberts excitedly describes the findings from Alvin dive 4181. (HR)
May 17
The distinct interface between a very extensive mussel bed on the perimeter of a large mud flow.
May 16
Giant tubeworm, Riftia pachyptila, from the hydrothermal vents at the East Pacific Rise. (HR)
May 15
Silhouetted by the morning sun, the Alvin is gently lifted off the deck of the R/V Atlantis. (HR)
May 15
A solitary coral-like polyp captured with the downward-looking still camera on the Alvin. (HR)
May 15
This image of tubeworms and a variety of mussel species was taken with the downward-looking still camera. (HR)
May 14
Senior research technician Guy Telesnicki works late into the evening preparing science equipment. (HR)
May 14
Chief Scientist Chuck Fisher and Guy Telesnicki discuss the placement of gear on the science basket. (HR)
May 13
Scientists corral the divers to hear more about any discoveries during their 8-hr round-trip to the seafloor. (HR)
May 12
Bob Carney and Matt Kupchik cautiously place a cooler to contain the trawl's muddy catch. (HR)
May 10
This image taken from Alvin shows a lone tubeworm bush growing among a number of porous carbonate boulders.
May 10
Erin Becker of Penn State University searches for organisms hidden within an oil-stained sediment sample. (HR)
May 9
A small orange crab near a few scattered tubeworm individuals at 2,180 m depth in Atwater Valley. (HR)
May 9
The front of the Alvin submersible up against a rocky outcrop with tubeworms and mussels. (HR)