Co-Chief Scientist Dr. Cindy Van Dover, Chief Scientist Dr. Carolyn Ruppel, and Science Collaborator Dr. W. Steven Holbrook discuss the mission plan, objectives, and dive sites.
Ask an Explorer
Questions were sent to the Windows to the Deep team throughout this mission. Selected questions and answers are offered below.
Question from Colleton County High School Walterboro, SC: What types of accommodations are you making for Tropical Depression #7 and how will it affect the mission?
Response from Margaret Olsen, SECOSEE: Prior to every research cruise, the Captain and mates decide on possible ports of refuge or places where they can go to weather a hurricane. Weather updates are received daily from the National Weather Service and all tropical depressions, storms and hurricanes are plotted and tracked. From the data he receives, the Captain can pretty well predict where the storms will go. If it appears that a major storm will come within 400 miles of the Atlantis (2 days), then the captain will change course or go to a prearranged port of refuge to avoid the storm. Tropical storm # 7 had no effect on the Atlantis. The ship was about 250 to 300 miles offshore at that time. Thank you for your interest in the Windows to The Deep Expedition.
Question from Green Hope High School Cary, NC: Has the weather improved for you to continue your dives? Curious to see new pictures. Good luck with the rest of the exploration!
Response: Yes, the weather has improved considerably and the dives have been very productive. In fact, several of the dives were so productive that the scientists have been working around the clock to process and catalog samples of mussels, clams, sediments, bottom water, various deep sea invertebrates, and rocks collected at the Blake Ridge Diapir. Stay tuned for updates on the web, as the process of submission from sea has been a bit slow with everyone so busy on the ship. Thank you for your interest in the Windows to the Deep expedition.