Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the Submarine Ring of Fire expedition that took place from June 28 - July 11, and July 23 - August 5, 2002. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information.
If a picture of a movie camera camera icon is present, a video can be viewed by clicking on the image.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.

Summary I Different mapping sonar
(mp4, 13.3 MB)

Magic Mountain Virtual Site

July 8
Mapping by the SM2000 sonar system. (mp4, 2.5 MB)

July 6
Mapping by ABE. (mp4, 8.4 MB)

July 3
Mapping by the Imagenex sonar system
(mp4, 4.6 MB)

June 30
Mapping by the EM300 sonar system (mp4, 5.2 MB)

Summary II
Pencil-beam sonar image of Magic Mountain hydrothermal site. (HR)

Summary II
Bathymetric map of Magic Mountain area. (HR)

Summary II
Active chimneys on ridgetop. (HR)

Summary II
Sulfide mound Magic Mountain. (HR)

Summary II
Active chimneys on ridgetop. (HR)

Summary II
Pillow lavas on ancient seafloor. (HR)

Summary II
Kidd Creek Open Pit Mine in Canada. (HR)

Summary II
Sulfide chimney piece from Mystic Mound, Explorer Ridge. (HR)

Summary II
Metallic sulfide ore sample. (HR)

Summary II
Science team for Leg Two. (HR)

July 31
Chimney sample embedded with "fossilized" tubeworms

July 31
The top of a huge chimney with marker 72. (HR)

July 31
Hot fluid sampling at a black smoker vent. (HR)

July 31
Octopus. (HR)

July 31
Analyzing samples. (HR)

July 31
Buccionid whelks and other invertebrates. (HR)

July 29
Water spewing from "Cleopatra's Needle." (HR)

July 29
Two chimneys at Majestique vent field. (HR)

July 29
Anhydrite and sulfide chimney at Majestique vent field. (HR)

July 29
Tubeworms covering a chimney named Zooarium. (HR)

July 29
Zooarium chimney. (HR)

July 29
Pillow lavas and breccia. (HR)

July 29
The ROPOS claw positioning a bacteria trap. (HR)

July 26
Sampling an inactive chimney. (HR

July 26
Octocorals at the top of a vent chimney. (HR)

July 26
The science team gathering to see the Magic Mountain vent field. (HR)

July 26
A jellyfish. (HR)

July 24
The tugboat that brought the new science party. (HR)

July 24
A Dall's porpoise.(HR)

Summary I
SM300 multibeam bathymetry collected at Explorer Ridge. (HR)

Summary I
Pencil-beam bathymetry of Magic Mountain area. (HR)

Summary I
SM2000 multibeam bathymetry of Magic Mountain area. (HR)

Summary I
Science team for Leg One. (HR)

July 8
Transect showing particle cloud over Magic Mountain vent site. (HR)

July 8
Magnetization map of Explorer Ridge. (HR)

July 8
Bathymetric map of Explorer Ridge. (HR)

July 8
Particle intensity map of Explorer Ridge. (HR)

July 8
Temperature map of Explorer Ridge region. (HR)

July 8
Map of chemically reactive water from vent sources. (HR)

July 6
Preparing ABE for its next dive.

July 6
The science team who searches for evidence of plumes. (HR)

July 6
The science team who anaylzes CTD water samples. (HR)

July 6
Picnic on the Thompson's back deck.

July 6
Dana Yoerger examines data from ABE.

July 3
Launching ABE to collect data. (HR)

July 3
CTD deployment for evidence of hydrothermal activity. (HR)

July 3
High resolution bathymetry collected on ABE's first two dives. (HR)

July 3
Cross-section of a hydrothermal plume over Magic Monutain. (HR)

June 30
EM300 bathymetry survey over Explorer Ridge. (HR)

June 30
Preparing transponders for deployment. (HR)

June 29
The CTD in the staging bay. (HR)