We’ve already established that seafloor mapping is the foundation of ocean exploration and that it provides data critical to keeping people and resources safe and secure, but are there other reasons to map the seafloor? Of course!
Bathymetric data can help us to…
- Identify geologic faults and submarine landslides, providing baseline information for assessing and mitigating natural hazards such as earthquakes and tsunamis
- Establish baselines for long-term monitoring of environmental changes due to climate change, weather events, and human influences
- Develop models to determine coastal flooding risks from sea-level rise and storms
- Heighten public awareness of ocean and coastal issues
...just to name a few additional applications.
Seafloor mapping data is a vital tool to ensuring that we have the necessary information, products, and services to prepare for and prosper in an ever-changing environment.
Scientists are able to use multibeam data to create 3-D images of the seafloor, such as this fly-through of Hudson Canyon, 100 miles east of New York City. Animation created using QPS Fledermaus.