Derek Sowers, physical scientist and expedition coordinator, discusses the plan for the Exploration and East Coast Mapping expedition. Video courtesy of NOAA Office of Exploration and Research. Download (mp4, 47.2 MB)
Ocean Explorer Expedition Education Modules (EEM) are designed to reach out in new ways to teachers, students, and the general public, and share the excitement of daily at-sea discoveries and the science behind NOAA’s major ocean exploration initiatives with the people around the world.
The NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Education Materials Collection was developed to encourage educators and students to become personally involved with the voyages and discoveries of America’s first Federal ship dedicated to ocean exploration. The collection is presented in two volumes. Volume 1: Why Do We Explore? (modern reasons for ocean exploration) and Volume 2: How Do We Explore? (exploration methods and associated technologies).
Educators and scientists working with NOAA developed a series of standards-based lessons for students in Grades 5 - 12 that are specifically tied to the exploration technology being used on this expedition.
The following expeditions cover topics similar to those of interest on the current expedition.
To see archived video highlighting some of the careers that will be represented onboard the ship during this expedition, click on the OceanAGE Careers page.
Visit these links for interactive multimedia presentations and Learning Activities connected to the expedition.
You can also read the article "Ocean Floor Mapping from the Perspective of an Intern and an Interview with a Marine Ecologist."
A portion of this expedition includes water column exploration using a Conductivity, Temperature and Depth profiler (CTD) to fulfill the research objectives of the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (OAP). The water samples and data collected during these CTD casts will provide information on carbon, physical, and biogeochemical parameters as they relate to ocean acidification.