Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the 2004 Gulf of Alaska Seamount Expedition that took place July 30 - August 23, 2004. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon
is present, a QuickTime video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other video formats are available on the linked pages.
If a slideshow icon
is present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.
August 16
Thumbs up
August 16
Preparing to enter the recompression chamber
August 16
Preparing for his first working dive
August 12
Guiding the sub-bottom profiler
August 12
Viewing images from the sub-bottom profiler
August 10
Divers entering the Monitor's hull
August 10
Working on the Monitor at night
August 7
The engine at the Mariner's Museum
August 7
The engine at the Mariner's Museum
July 30
Bunks in the dive bell
July 30
Dive bell underwater
July 25
On the platform
July 25
Excited NOAA diver
July 17
Engine Recovery Structure (ERS)
July 17
The engine attached to ERS
July 17
Lifting the ERS and the engine
July 16
The "Wotan" barge
July 16
Raising the USS Monitor's engine
July 16
Raising the USS Monitor's engine
June 30
Walking across the Monitor's hull
June 30
Looking at a Monitor artifact
June 30
Diving bell entering the water
June 30
Divers inside the bell
June 19
Launching diving bell from barge
June 19
Dive briefing
June 19
Launching the ROV
June 3
Loading the "Wotan" barge
June 3
Diving bell
June 3
Welding iron onto the"Wotan" barge
May 6
USS Grapple moored
May 6
Diver "hatting up for a dive
May 6
Diver preparing to leave dive stage
April 30
Preparing for mooring
April 30
Moorings at sea
April 30
Navy dive team
April 15
Recovering a bayonet handle
April 15
Whale-oil lamp chimneys