Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the Life on the Edge expedition that took place August 16 - 27, 2003. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information.
If a picture of a movie camera icon is present, a video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other video formats are available on the linked pages.

August 23
The ascent of a dive on the southern Lophelia shelf. (mp4, 3.4 MB)

August 20
Deployment and descent of the Johnson-Sea-Link II. (mp4, 3.2 MB)

August 18
Sonar images revealing details about the Snowy Wreck vessel. (mp4, 3.6 MB)

Expedition Team.

Bright orange Brittle Star.

Lionfish specimen.

A boat picks up the Media crew.

August 27
Broken urchin, with its Aristotles Lantern fully exposed but intact.

August 27
A beautiful pale orange and white sea urchin.

August 27
Observing the locomotion of a brittle star.

August 26
Sea star collected for analysis back at one of the onshore laboratories.

August 26
Initial work up at sea.

August 26
Sea urchin collected for analysis at the onshore laboratories.

August 26
Octopus, often collected and shipped to the Smithsonian for analysis.

August 25
Band wing flyingfish.

August 25
Dipnetting is a technique to collect flyingfish.

August 25
Small wing flyingfish.

August 24
Stomiid sp, a mid-water fish.

August 24
Tucker trawl deployed for a 30-minute set.

August 24
Brass block attached to the wire and sent down the line to close the trawl net.

August 24
The Seabird 39 temperature and depth recorder.

August 23
Glass sponge, found at a depth of more than 1500 feet.

August 23
Educator at Sea, inside the stern compartment of the JSLII.

August 23
Teamwork in the wet lab.

August 23
View from inside the bubble of the JSLII.

August 23
Sunrise off the bow of the RV SEWARD JOHNSON.

August 22
Sea urchin, collected during the JSL dive.

August 22
Videographer Art Howard prepares to take a dive.

August 22
The Johnson-Sea-Link submersible.

August 22
This iridescent nudibranch looks like a creature from another planet.

August 21
Collecting muscle tissue samples from organisms, like this Greeneye.

August 21
Neuston net towing.

August 21
Examining the catch from a recent neuston net tow.

August 21
Three-eyed flounder.

August 20
Media rep.s, visiting the R/V Seward Johnson.

August 20
A zoologist with NOAA interviewed by a rep. from UNC TV.

August 20
Dip netting for Sargassum off the ships stern.

August 20
Portunid crab.

August 19
Spiny oyster and conglomerate.

August 19
Pillow Star.

August 19
Squat lobster.

August 19
Porcelain crab.

August 18
R/V SEWARD JOHNSONS ROV being launched.

August 17
The stern section of the Johnson-Sea-Link submersible.

August 17
Greeneyes are known for their iridescent blue-green eyes.

August 17
Soft coral which was found at a depth of more than 1400 feet.

August 17
JSL is being recovered.

August 16
Doni Angell, an Educator-at-sea.

August 16
The Johnson-Sea-Link submersible.

August 16
Books are tied with rope in anticipation of rough seas.