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- Naming Convention and Standards
Reference: Naming Convention and Standards
This page guides the user through interpreting the file names of data produced on the Okeanos Explorer.
All dates and times that appear in file names adhere to the ISO 8601 standard. The format is: YYYYMMDDT[hh][mm][Z] (i.e. 20110219T114532Z = 2/19/2011 11:45:32 UTC) where:
- YYYY - 4-digit Year, i.e. 2011, required
- MM - 2-digit month, i.e. 02, required
- DD - 4-digit day, i.e. 19, required
- T - ISO 8601 Standard delimiter between date and time, required only if values for time are included, otherwise optional
- hh - 2-digit hour, adheres to 24-hour clock i.e. 13, required if minute data provided
- mm - 2-digit minute, i.e. 11, required if second data provided
- ss - 2-digit second, i.e. 45, optional
- Z - UTC designation, optional but should be added if date/time is in UTC
Cruise Prefix
All cruise names adhere to the EXyynn[L#] format (i.e. EX1004L3) where:
- EX - 2 letter OMAO designation for the Okeanos Explorer, required
- yy - 2-digit year, i.e. 10 (2010), required
- nn - 2-digit cruise number, resets to 01 at the beginning of each field season, i.e. 04 (4th cruise of the field season), required
- L# - Leg designation. Required only for cruises with multiple legs, i.e L3 (3rd leg of the cruise)
Dive Prefix
All ROV dives adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_DIVEnn_YYYYMMDD format (i.e. EX1004L3_DIVE03_20100623) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- _DIVE - Standard text declaring the name correspond to an ROV dive, required
- nn - 2-digit dive number, resets to 01 at whenever the cruise prefix changes, i.e. 03 (3rd dive of the cruise or leg), required
- _YYYYMMDD - Date of ROV dive. Adheres to the EX standard format for date, required
CTD Prefix
All CTD casts adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_CTDnn_YYYYMMDD format (i.e. EX1004L3_CTD03_20100623) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- _CTD - Standard text declaring the name correspond to a CTD dive, required
- nn - 2-digit dive number, resets to 01 at whenever the cruise prefix changes, i.e. 03 (3rd cast of the cruise or leg), required
- _YYYYMMDD - Date of CTD cast. Adheres to the EX standard format for date, required
XBT Prefix
All XBT casts adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_XBTnn_YYYYMMDD format (i.e. EX1004L3_XBT03_20100623) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- _XBT - Standard text declaring the name correspond to a XBT dive, required
- nn - 2-digit dive number, resets to 01 at whenever the cruise prefix changes, i.e. 03 (3rd cast of the cruise or leg), required
- _YYYYMMDD - Date of CTD cast. Adheres to the EX standard format for date, required
Data Types
All MB bathy objects adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_MB[_CUMULATIVE][_YYYYMMDD[Thhmmss[Z]]] format (i.e. EX1004L3_MB_) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- _MB - Standard text declaring the name correspond to a Multibeam related object, required
- [_CUMULATIVE] - Standard text declaring the multibeam-related object correspond to a cumulative dataset, required for cumulative data/products
- [_YYYYMMDD[Thhmmss[Z]]] - Date[time] of multibeam related object. Adheres to the EX standard format for date and time, required for multibeam objects associated with a specific date. Time should be included where applicable.
All still image files adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_IMG_YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ_<CAMERA NAME> <description>format (i.e. EX1004L3_IMG_20100623T172354Z_ROVHD) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- _IMG - Standard text declaring the name correspond to a still image, required
- _YYYYMMDDThhmmss[Z] - Date/time of image object. Adheres to the EX standard format for date and time, required for image objects.
- _<CAMERA NAME> - Standardized name of the camera that the image was created from, required, refer to the bottom of the page for official list of camera names.
- <description>- is a brief description of the what the image contains.
All video clip files adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_VID_YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ_<CAMERA NAME> <description>[_<RES>] format (i.e. EX1004L3_VID_20100623T172354Z_ROVHD_High) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- _VID - Standard text declaring the name correspond to a video object, required
- _YYYYMMDDThhmmss[Z] - Date/time of video object. Adheres to the EX standard format for date and time, required for video objects
- _<CAMERA NAME> - Standardized name of the camera that the image was created from, required, refer to the bottom of the page for official list of camera names.
- <description>- is a brief description of the what the clip contains.
- [_<RES>] - Standardized name for the resolution of the video, required if video resolution has been altered from it's original format otherwise not used.
Chat Room and Science Annotations
All chat room and science annotation files adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_EVT_YYYYMMDDThh[mmss]Z format (i.e. EX1004L3_EVT_20100623T010001Z) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- _EVT - Standard text declaring the name corresponds to an annotation, required
- _YYYYMMDDThh[mmss]Z - Date/time of the annotation, adheres to the EX standard format for date/time, required
Dive Plans
All final dive plan files adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_<DIVE PREFIX>_PLAN_YYYYMMDD format (i.e. EX1004L3_DIVE03_PLAN_20100623) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- <DIVE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the ROV Dive as defined by the standardized dive prefix format (i.e. DIVE03), required
- _PLAN - Standard text declaring the name correspond to a ROV dive plan, required
- _YYYYMMDD - Date of planned dive, NOT the current date. Adheres to the EX standard format for date, required.
Dive Reports
All final dive report files adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_<DIVE PREFIX>_REPORT_YYYYMMDD format (i.e. EX1004L3_DIVE03_REPORT_20100623) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- <DIVE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the ROV Dive as defined by the standardized dive prefix format (i.e. DIVE03), required
- _REPORT - Standard text declaring the name correspond to a ROV dive plan, required
- _YYYYMMDD - Date of the dive, NOT the current date. Adheres to the EX standard format for date, required
All trackline files adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_[SHIPTRK|<DIVE PREFIX>_ROVTRK|<DIVE PREFIX>_CPTRK]_YYYYMMDD[Thhmmss[Z]] format (i.e. EX1004L3_DIVE03_ROVTRK_20100623) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- _[SHIPTRK|<DIVE PREFIX>_ROVTRK|<DIVE PREFIX>_CPTRK] - Standard text declaring the name corresponds to the trackline of the vessel (SHIPTRK), ROV (<DIVE PREFIX>_ROVTRK) or Camera Platform (<DIVE PREFIX>_CPTRK) requires one of these
- _YYYYMMDD[Thhmmss[[Z] - Date/time of trackline not the current date/time, adheres to the EX standard format for date/time, required
All map files adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>[_<DIVE Prefix>|_<CTD Prefix>]_MAP[_CUMULATIVE][_YYYYMMDD] format (i.e. EX1004L3_MB_) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- [_<DIVE Prefix>|_<CTD Prefix>] - If the map object corresponds to a Dive or CTD operation the Prefix for that operation is required.
- _MAP - Standard text declaring the name correspond to a map-related object, required
- [_CUMULATIVE] - Standard text declaring the map object correspond to a cumulative dataset, required for cumulative datatypes
- [_YYYYMMDD[Thhmmss[Z]]] - Date[time] of map related object. Adheres to the EX standard format for date and time, required for map objects associated with a specific date. Time should be included where applicable.
Plan of the Day (POD)
All final dive report files adhere to the <CRUISE PREFIX>_POD_YYYYMMDD format (i.e. EX1004L3_POD_20100623) where:
- <CRUISE_PREFIX> - The official designation for the cruise as defined by the standardized cruise prefix format (i.e. EX1004L3), required
- _POD - Standard text declaring the name correspond to a POD, required
- _YYYYMMDD - Date of the dive, NOT the current date. Adheres to the EX standard format for date, required
Camera Naming Convention
List of all ship and vehicle mounted cameras. Include the short names for each camera used in naming video clips and still images.
ROV Cameras
- ROVHD - HD camera on the ROV
- ROVUMBIL - SD umbilical camera on the ROV
- ROVPILOT - SD pilot camera on the ROV
- ROVUTIL - SD utility camera on the ROV
Camera Platform Cameras
- CPHD - HD camera on the camera platform, mounted on the front of the vehicle
- CP2HD - Second HD camera on the camera platform, mounted on the deployable turret
- CPUMBIL - SD umbilical camera on the camera platform
- CPPILOT - SD pilot camera on the camera platform
- CPSPARE - SD spare camera on the camera platform
Ship HD Cameras
- SBROBO - HD camera on the starboard side of the fantail
- PTROBO - HD camera on the port side of the fantail
- CRROBO - HD camera in the front of the ROV/Mapping control room
- CR2ROBO - HD camera in the back of the ROV/Mapping control room
- DLROBO - HD camera dry lab
- HH - HD handheld camera
- DVI – HD Videos taken from the ships DVI-HDSDI scan converters
Ship CCTV Cameras
- MASTCCTV - CCTV camera on the bridge mast
- PTBRDGCCTV - CCTV camera on the port bridge wing
- SBBRDGCCTV - CCTV camera on the starboard bridge wing
- SBDECKCCTV - CCTV camera on the starboard working deck (CTD)
- AFTDECKCCTV - CCTV camera on the aft deck
- CRCCTV - CCTV camera in the ROV/Mapping control room
- GENCCTV - CCTV camera in the generator room
- MOTORCCTV - CCTV camera on the upper motor room
- WINCHCCTV - CCTV camera looking at the traction winch and storage drum
- 3X3CCTV - 3x3 Composite image of the first 9 CCTV cameras
- WIRECCTV - CCTV camera on the fantail looking at the transom
- SHEAVECCTV - CCTV camera in the winch room looking at the wire leaving the traction winch sheave
- HANGARCCTV - CCTV camera in the ROV hangar
- BOWTHRUSTCCTV - CCTV camera in the bow thruster room
Still Camera
- DSLR – Digital Still Camera
Other Cameras
- MicroBWSD - Black & White Scuba Diver inspection camera.