Explorer Photos 1 - 60
Submarine Ring of Fire 2004 expedition science team and crew. (HR)
Geoff Lebon (foreground) and Ed Baker (background) removie plume water from the CTD bottles after a tow-yo. (HR)
The team gathers around the ROPOS ROV console to identify vent species on the sea floor. (HR)
Inspecting the sargassum catch. (HR)
Ready and waiting for action the members of the bucket brigade.
Mercer Brugler proudly displays Iridigorgia.
Inspecting hydraulic fluid from the ROV Hercules.
Working on the manipulator arm.
Going over their script for the Webcast.
Dr. Jon Moore narrates the video during the live Webcast.
Dr. Scott France prepares Isidella specimen for analysis.
Holding a bushy black coral covered in mucus. (HR)
Highly viscous mucus collected from a bushy black coral. (HR)
Mercer Brugler prepares coral specimens.
The science team works to process samples.
Puting coral tissue samples into fixative for DNA studies.
Dr. Scott France examines a piece of coral and removes a worm for later analysis.
Susan Mills examines the basalt blocks recovered from Manning Seamount.
Taking turns on watch in the control van.
Examining a black coral specimen just taken out of the bio box.
Graduate student Mercer Brugler processes samples by preserving them in ethanol.
Dr. Jon Moore works with specimens collected from Bear Seamount.
IFE ROV electrical engineer Dave Wright fixes the Argus wiring that malfunctioned
IFE ROV technicians/pilots work to disconnect the fiber optic cable from Hercules.
IFE computer technicians coil up the fiber optic cable.
Discussing possible scenarios for the ROV power failures in the control van.
Ronald H. Brown launch being recovered.
Acquiring bathymetric data in the computer lab on the Ronald H. Brown.
Some of the members of the science party pose in their survival suits after a drill.
Training on the audio system in the IFE ROV control van.
Working to produce education / outreach materials.
A softball attached to a net handle becomes a "gripper" for the ROV manipulator arm.
The 2004 Gulf of Alaska Seamount Expedition Science party.
Bacterial cells from Seawater are traped in very small pore size filters for later identification.
Naomi Ward prepares to collect mucus and polyp samples from this big bamboo specimen.
Scientists swarm the basket after Alvins return to the surface.
Students at UCAP school in Providence, R.I. talk by satellite phone with NOAA scientist.
Chief Scientist, Tom Shirley, discusses the results of the cruise with reporters and educators.
This large dead bamboo coral skeleton was successfully collected by the Alvin. (HR)
A fragile live specimen retrieved from the Alvin right after it surfaced. (HR)
The gruesome task of cleaning the tissue and mucus off of a bamboo coral colony. (HR)
A scientist collects mucus from a large bamboo coral specimen. (HR)
Dr. Tom Shirley removes an organism from a piece of basalt. (HR)
Talking to the students at UCAP.
Scientist answer UCAP students questions, while the call is videotaped.
A former student remembers old times, talking to the director and teachers at UCAP.
A scientist uses a hand lens to study a billet, or tabul.
Catalina Martinez enters the DSV Alvin for her first dive.
Jason Chaytor shines a flashlight out the porthole to assist Alvin pilot. (HR)
A spectacular sunset and rainbow that lasted late into the evening.
The pre-dawn deployment of the XTB.
Rachel Teasdale at pre-dawn XTB data check.
Carey DeLauder and Patrick Neumann scan the Gulf of Alaska horizon.
Patrick Neumann watches and learns from Eddy Estaniel.
Patrick Neumann hard at work.
Captain Margaret "Mitzi" Crane.
Naomi Ward reviews Alvin dive procedures. (HR)
Nicolás Alvarado hits a winner at the ping pong table.
Alison prepares to study the absorption and reflectance properties of the fishs fluorescent lens. (HR)
Blue water divers use glass jars to capture gelatinous specimens for further study in the ships laboratory. (HR)