E/V Nautilus 2020 Field Schedule Map. Image courtesy of the Ocean Exploration Trust. Download image (jpg, 50 KB).
**The 2020 expedition season on E/V Nautilus has concluded. Visit the Nautilus Live 2020 Expedition Season web page for links to expedition-specific content, including videos, photo albums, blogs, and more.**
From September to December, the Ocean Exploration Trust, in partnership with the Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, the NOAA Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute, the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, and Ocean Networks Canada, will use Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus to explore little-known regions along the North American West Coast from British Columbia to Southern California. This year's program includes remotely operated vehicle (ROV) surveys using ROV Hercules, seafloor mapping, and the field testing of novel technologies. Operations will focus on deep-sea phenomena and ecosystems, including methane seeps, hydrothermal vents, and deepwater coral communities.
Learn more about the individual expeditions and join in on the exploration in real time through livestreaming video on Nautilus Live . Also, follow the Ocean Exploration Trust on Facebook , Instagram , and Twitter for behind-the-scenes updates.
Exploration Vessel Nautilus. Image courtesy of the Ocean Exploration Trust. Download image (jpg, 153 KB).
The partnership between the Office of Ocean Exploration and Research and the Ocean Exploration Trust has been an evolving one, tracing its roots back to 2000. NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer was developed alongside E/V Nautilus, and the two are operated in a similar manner, using telepresence technology to bring ocean exploration from ship to shore. Today, in addition to providing funding support for Nautilus through the NOAA Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute, the Office of Ocean Exploration and Research continues to work with the Ocean Exploration Trust to advance technology and reduce uncertainties in critical parts of our largely unexplored deep ocean.