This media resources page provides members of the media with information; resources; and broadcast-, print-, and web-quality imagery developed during the Kiska: Alaska's Underwater Battlefield expedition.
On this page:
Media Contacts | Press Release/Web Essays | Video | Images
Please direct media inquiries to the individuals listed below:
Theo Stein,, 303-497-6288
Monica Allen,, 301-734-1123
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Robert Monroe,, 858-534-3624
University of Delaware
Andrea Boyle,, 302-831-1221
Naval History and Heritage Command
Paul Taylor,, 202-433-0271
Stern of World War II U.S. destroyer discovered off remote Alaskan island by NOAA-supported mission
August 15, 2018, NOAA News
Missing Section of U.S. Navy Destroyer USS Abner Read Found Near Remote Kiska Island, Alaska
August 15, 2018, Kiska: Alaska's Underwater Battlefield Expedition
USS Abner Read: Team Uncovers a Legacy of Perseverance and Valor
August 15, 2018, Kiska: Alaska's Underwater Battlefield Expedition
Video from the discovery of the missing stern of the USS Abner Read.
Video courtesy of the Kiska: Alaska's Underwater Battlefield expedition.
Download larger version (mp4, 386 MB).
Video shot list:
0:00 – 0:12 Multibeam sonar imaging of the remains of USS Abner Read
0:13 - 0:19 Battle damage schematic of USS Abner Read
0:20 – 0:33 Drone footage of R/V Norseman II in Kiska Harbor, Alaska
0:34 – 0:39 Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) controls
0:40 – 1:04 ROV being readied and surface checked on the deck of R/V Norseman II
1:05 - 1:11 ROV tether being deployed
1:12 – 1:26 ROV being lowered into the water from the stern of R/V Norseman II positioned over the USS Abner Read
1:27 – 1:38 Drone footage of the ROV on the surface as it is readied to dive on the USS Abner Read
1:39 – 1:50 ROV in the water column
1:57 USS Abner Read first comes into view
2:00- 2:17 View inside the hull of the USS Abner Read
2:18 – 3:41 Exterior of the USS Abner Read stern
3:42 - 4:00 The number 5 (aft deck) five-inch gun of the USS Abner Read
4:01 – 5:14 The project team and members of the crew of R/V Norseman II conduct a wreath ceremony to honor the final resting place of the 71 sailors lost.
Images from the Kiska: Alaska's Underwater Battlefield expedition are available from the Expedition Photo Gallery.