The an excerpt from the flipbook, "Finding the French Fleet," to learn the history behind the fleet and the modern-day quest to find these shipwrecks. Image courtesy of Image courtesy of the Search for the Lost French Fleet of 1565 Expedition, NOAA-OER/St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum. Download flipbook (pdf, 12.4 MB).
Ocean Explorer Expedition Education Modules (EEM) are designed to reach out in new ways to teachers, students, and the general public, and share the excitement of daily at-sea discoveries and the science behind NOAA’s major ocean exploration initiatives with the people around the world.
The Search for the Lost French Fleet of 1565 expedition offers a unique opportunity for explorers of all ages to understand the tools, techniques, and importance of marine archaeology and to explore 16th Century history.
This collection includes an Expedition Purpose written for educators, standards-based lessons relevant to the technology being used during this expedition, and an OceanAGE career interview with expedition lead Chuck Meide.
Classroom lessons and learning tools relevant to the expedition are listed below by grade level. Although some of these resources may have been developed for past expeditions conducted in other regions of the world ocean, the Focus Questions and Student Learning Objectives are applicable to the current expedition.
This theme page includes a selection of essays from past archaeology expeditions, additional lessons, videos, career interviews, and links to past expeditions with an archaeological focus.
Ocean Careers to Inspire Another Generation of Explorers, or OceanAGE Careers, invites students to learn about the talented people who explore our ocean planet.