Submarine Ring of Fire 2014 - Ironman

Expedition Education Module

Ocean Explorer Expedition Education Modules (EEM) are designed to reach out in new ways to teachers, students, and the general public and share the excitement of daily at-sea discoveries and the science behind NOAA’s major ocean exploration initiatives with the people around the world.

The Submarine Ring of Fire 2014 - Ironman expedition offers a unique opportunity for explorers of all ages to investigate hydrothermal vents and active submarine volcanoes of the Mariana Arc in the western Pacific Ocean.

Expedition Focus: Submarine Volcanoes and Hydrothermal Vents

The collection of education resources below includes an Expedition Purpose written for educators, complete with standards-based lessons for grades 6-8 and 9-12 that are built upon the science behind this expedition. Additionally, below you will find theme pages on Hydrothermal Vents and Volcanoes and on Seamounts which include a selection of essays from past Ring of Fire expeditions, additional lessons, videos, career interviews, and links to past expeditions with a vent and volcano focus.

Expedition Purpose: A summary of why scientists and educators are interested in exploring this area and what we might learn from our efforts in this region as we strive to further understand the 95% of our planet that is virtually unexplored.

Expedition Purpose

Learn more


 Classroom Lessons

Classroom lessons and learning tools relevant to the expedition are listed below by grade level. Although some of these resources may have been developed for past expeditions conducted in other regions of the world ocean, the Focus Questions and Student Learning Objectives are applicable to the current expedition.


 Multimedia Content Themes

These theme pages each include a selection of essays from past bioluminescence and deep-sea coral expeditions, standards-based lessons relevant to the science and technology of this expedition, videos, multimedia presentations for students, career interviews, and links to past expeditions with a bioluminescence and deep-sea coral focus.