Mission Plan
Mission Plan


The Cannon Cat
The Cannon Cat





This boot was found when portions of a wood box were removed. We removed the boot and x-rayed it. No human remains were found inside, so it appears that one of the crew probably “shucked” his boots prior to climbing down the side of the turret to reach the rescue boats. Click image for larger view and detailed explanation.

Excavation Progress

October 1, 2002

Monitor National Marine Sanctuary

Work in the turret continued last week (September 23 - 27) with several new discoveries. Additional pieces of flatware were recovered as well as a copper teapot, a wood drawer, and a leather boot.

The presence of all the silverware recovered to date has led to some speculation about the sinking sequence of the ship. A portion of the turret was positioned over the ship’s galley. So now we are speculating that these items fell into the turret as the Monitor rolled over and sank. As work continues, many of these questions should be answered.

Stay tuned for further developments.


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