Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the exploration of Davidson Seamount between May 17 May 24, 2002. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information. If a picture of a movie camera
is present, a video can be viewed by clicking on the image.
May 23
Using rocks to charcterize Davidson Seamount.
May 22
Getting closer to sperm whales.
May 21
Deep sea eel video
May 20
Collecting a fish sample.
May 17
Briefing Video
The science party's anticipation of the expedition.
May 23
Contour map of Davidson Seamount and dive tracks.
May 23
Robotic arm of the ROV Tiburon collecting rock samples.
May 23
Comparing volcanic rocks to terrestrial rocks.
May 22
Seeing through bigeye binoculars.
May 21
A cusk eel finding shelter under coral.
May 21
The ROV Tiburon placing a fish trap.
May 20
Placing a sea star in a biobox.
May 20
Seawater wet lab aboard the Western Flyer.
May 20
The robotic arm of the ROV Tiburon.
May 19
A flytrap anemone.
May 19
A molting sea spider.
May 19
Unidentified frogfish.