NOAA Ocean Exploration Webinar for Educators – 2017 Expeditions to American Samoa and Remote Pacific Marine Protected Areas
February 14, 2017

A toadfish found during the Deepwater Wonders of Wake Expedition 2016. Image courtesy NOAA OER.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) Office of Ocean Exploration and Research invites educators and other interested parties to a webinar to introduce the educational resources developed for the upcoming 2017 American Samoa and Remote Pacific Marine Protected Areas Expeditions in the western Pacific Ocean on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer.
Through multibeam sonar mapping, water column profiling, and videography using the NOAA remotely operated vehicle, Deep Discoverer, scientists will explore seamounts, possible sites with active hydrothermal vents and associated communities, and sponge and coral communities. This will include mapping Vailulu'u Seamount to look for evidence of change and vent activity since it was last explored in 2005.
Using telepresence, scientists on board will collaborate with scientists participating remotely from shore as they investigate the unique geology and biology of this region. Educators, students, and the general public can follow along and watch this expedition unfold in real-time via the Internet.
This 60-minute webinar will provide an introduction to the expedition and the associated education products, including standards-based lessons and other resources to enable educators and their students to delve more deeply into these expeditions online.
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Time: 7:00 PM EST