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Throughout Fall 2021, as part of the NOAA Science Seminar Series, the NOAA Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute (OECI) presented a six-part series of virtual public seminars to introduce the OECI. Recordings of each seminar are available for viewing. From presentations on how exploration of shipwrecks from the past can inspire explorers of the future to the development and use of innovative technologies to explore the deep ocean, these seminars provide an introduction to the OECI partners, their achievements, and their plans to push forward to the next stage of ocean exploration.
A complete list of the seminar topics, speakers, and links for viewing is available on the OECI Webinar Series web page .
The OECI is a NOAA-funded institute aimed at accelerating the pace of ocean exploration through the development of novel technology, training the next generation of ocean explorers, and conducting ambitious sea-going expeditions to expand our knowledge of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. Selected through a competitive process by NOAA in 2019, the OECI brings together the University of Rhode Island, the University of New Hampshire, the University of Southern Mississippi, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and the not-for-profit Ocean Exploration Trust to complement and amplify the capabilities of NOAA Ocean Exploration.
Published January 11, 2022