By Megan McCall, STEAM Coordinator - Bayside Academy
June 8, 2019
Science crew muster drill. Image courtesy of Journey into Midnight: Light and Life Below the Twilight Zone. Download larger version (jpg, 5.8 MB).
What better way to celebrate World Oceans Day than doing some real science investigations in the Gulf of Mexico! Fortunately, the storms going through the southeastern United States moved through the area and we were able to disembark at the scheduled time of 7 pm yesterday (June 7). Our safety debriefing and muster drill got us started by Captain Nick Allen and all 15 science crew and 8 Point Sur crew got on our way. The Chief Scientist, Sonke Johnsen, Ph.D., led our science meeting after and we prepared to launch the remotely operated vehicle in the morning and the trawl net after. Unfortunately, after motoring all night, seas were not cooperating at 5-7 feet to be able to launch and the decision was made to continue to the next sample site.
Over the next couple of weeks, different science and boat crew members will be sharing their insights and experiences through our mission logs, so follow along and see what we discover!