By Kate Stafford - Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
September 6, 2012
Snow on the deck near Wrangel Island. Image courtesy of Kate Stafford, 2012 RUSALCA Expedition, RAS-NOAA. Download image (jpg, 58 KB).
After days of high waves, wind, and fog, we awoke this morning in the lee of Wrangel Island. For the first time in what feels like a very long time (but is only four or so days), the sun was shining and we could see Wrangel 12 miles away. Small chunks of ice surrounded the island and, in the distance, flocks of birds could be seen flitting about the ice.
On the way north we has passed through a number of snow squalls and this morning the deck was slick and a thin coating of snow remained on the flying bridge. For the first time since the beginning of the cruise, everyone was able to sample.
Preparing to deploy a fishing net. Image courtesy of Kate Stafford, 2012 RUSALCA Expedition, RAS-NOAA. Download image (jpg, 85 KB).
The deck was a hive of activity. First was water column sampling and sediment grabs. Then a series of nets of many different sizes for zooplankton and larval fish and benthic dwellers were deployed and recovered, full of animals to be counted and measured and weighed.
It feels as though we are finally getting the work done that we are here to do.