View a slideshow of some pictures from the Bioluminescence 2009: Living Light on the Deep-sea Floor exploration, where scientists observe bioluminescence on the deep-sea floor off the Bahamas. Bioluminescence is a fascinating phenomenon that is found in only a few species on land (e.g., fireflies), but is common in all the world’s oceans. It has been estimated that 90% of the animals living in the pelagic (water column) are bioluminescent. However, information on bioluminescence in the deep-sea benthos (organisms that live on the bottom) is very sparse, due to the difficulty in getting live animals in trawls and dredges. Click on the left and right arrows to scroll through the pictures one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow. This page is best viewed in Netscape 7.1+ or Internet Explorer 5+.
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